What is the Plural of Business Plan?
What is the plural form of the word "business plan"? The plural form (meaning multiples) of the base word "business plan" is "business plans." Nouns can identify places, people, animals, and other things. They are the basic materials required to construct sentences. There are different types of nouns , including proper nouns , common nouns , compound nouns , collective nouns , abstract nouns , and countable and uncountable nouns.
What is the plural of Business Plan?
The plural form of the word "business plan" is "business plans". Forming plural nouns can be difficult. To form the plural form of the word, you'll base it on the last letter or last two letters of the singular word form.
The word "business plan" is considered a common noun .
Sentence examples for the plural of "Business Plan"
- Example 1: There are multiple business plans.
- Example 2: I can see multiple business plans.
- Example 3: Over there could be more business plans.
For more examples, see the definition of the word business plan .
My experience with plural forms...
When it comes to plural forms, I was always confused! Just like you, I would be looking up the singular words plural formation...
Here are some really simple tricks that helps me remember plural forms:
- Did you know that most plurals are formed by adding an -s to the end of the word? Yes!
- If the noun ends in a consonant plus "–y," form the plural by swapping the "–y" for "–ies."
- If the noun ends in "–ch," "-s," "-sh," "-x," or "-z," form the plural by adding "–es."
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About the author
Dalia Y.: Dalia is an English Major and linguistics expert with an additional degree in Psychology. Dalia has featured articles on Forbes, Inc, Fast Company, Grammarly, and many more. She covers English, ESL, and all things grammar on GrammarBrain.
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Businesses or Business’s or Business’? Here’s The Correct Possessive
Knowing the difference between plural forms and possessive forms is a stepping stone for many people learning English. When you come across a word like business, you might think that “business’s,” “business’,” or “businesses” are all the same thing. However, there’s a difference between each one, and we’ll show you what that is.
Is It Business’s, Business’ Or Businesses?
Business’s should be used when you’re using “business” in the possessive form. This means that the “business” owns the noun or object that comes directly after it in the sentence. Business’ is the possessive form of “business” without the “-‘s” at the end, making it incorrect. You always add the “-‘s” at the end when using the possessive form. Businesses should be used when talking about the plural of business.
5 Examples Of How To Use “Business’s”
So, let’s start by looking at some examples of what we mean. We’ll start with the possessive form of “business.” We use “business’s” in the singular sense and will only be referring to one business owning something in the sentence. If you’re looking to use the plural possessive form, you’d need to add the plural form and then the apostrophe (which we’ll cover more later). Let’s look through these examples.
- The business’s employees are all late.
- I’m afraid I have to disagree with the business’s practice.
- We believe in the business’s method.
- This business’s plan doesn’t make any sense.
- Where are your business’s resources?
In each of these examples, a noun comes after the word “business’s” which indicates ownership. This helps us to understand how the possessive form of business works. We use the possessive form by adding an “-‘s” to the end of a word, even when that word ends with an “s” already. It’s good to get used to these rules quickly, so you don’t make mistakes later.
5 Examples Of How To Use “Business'”
We’ve already touched on “business'” as a word, and it isn’t grammatically correct to use it in this way. When you write “business” in the possessive form, you need to include “-‘s” at the end. This applies even though “business” ends with an “s,” which many people get confused with. However, when you use the plural form “businesses,” you can add an apostrophe without an “s” to the end to show ownership.
So, in singular form, “business'” is wrong. In plural form, “businesses'” will be correct. For that reason, we can’t give you any examples for “business’.”
5 Examples Of How To Use “Businesses”
We can give you some examples of how to use the plural form “businesses,” though. Once you’ve looked through these examples, you should be able to see the stark contrast between what makes a word possessive and what makes it plural. “Businesses” is the plural form of “business,” which means multiple businesses are being spoken or written about when using it.
- There are a lot of businesses down this street.
- I’ve worked for many businesses in my time.
- We work for different businesses.
- Which of these businesses looks the most desirable to you?
- How many businesses does he own?
When we use the plural form, it’s typical to add an “s” to the end of the word to show more than one of those objects. However, when that word ends in “s” already (like “business”), we have to add an “es” to the end to make sure the “s” letters remain separated. Otherwise, we’d be stuck with “businesss,” which just looks funny!
It’s worth mentioning that both “business’s” in the singular possessive form and “businesses” in the plural form are pronounced exactly the same way when spoken. This is probably what leads to most people’s confusion when learning the words and trying to write them down.
How To Remember If The Correct Spelling Is Business’s, Business’ Or Businesses
We’ve covered all we can say about the three different words. Only two are correct, and they mean different things about “businesses.” However, it’s important to try and come up with a solid way to remember the difference. One of the best things that we can say to you is to include the “-‘s” when using the possessive form. Since this rule applies to all singular words, it’s a good one to remember.
It’s also good to understand the importance of the rules associated with pluralization. When we pluralize a word, we add an “s” to the end. Make sure to check the word’s spelling before doing so, as any word that ends in an “s,” “ch,” or “sh,” will actually need to have an “es” on the end of it for it to make sense. Even though this might sound difficult, the rules begin to make more sense when you get more familiar with the words that it is applied to.
One final note to help you avoid using “business'” is to remember that you never drop the “-‘s” suffix when using the singular plural form. Just imagine writing the word as you would say it. Since you say “business’s” emphasising the “s” letters, make sure you keep them all in. There are a few exceptions to that rule, but they’re mostly names (like Moses’ or Jesus’).
Quiz: Have You Mastered The Business’s, Business’ Or Businesses Grammar?
Now we get to the quiz section of this article. This is where we sum up all your newfound knowledge to see whether you can figure out the correct grammar rules for each question. Make sure you read the questions through fully to understand the structure of the sentence before giving your answer. You’ll either be using the singular possessive form or the plural form for each one. Good luck!
- How many (A. business’s / B. business’ / C. businesses) do you own?
- Those are the (A. business’s / B. business’ / C. businesses) private documents.
- You can’t read the notes for my (A. business’s / B. business’ / C. businesses) employees.
- You’ve inspected how many (A. business’s / B. business’ / C. businesses)?
- I work for three different (A. business’s / B. business’ / C. businesses).
Quiz Answers
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Businesses or Business’ (Singular, Plural & Possessive)
By Caitriona Maria
May 5, 2022
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Businesses , business’ or business’s , which is correct?
The noun business has an ‘s’ at the end, which may cause some confusion in writing. But it needn’t be so difficult!
We form the singular and plural possessive the same way we do with other nouns.
Singular Noun : Business
Singular Possessive: Business’ or Business’s
Plural Noun: Businesses
Plural Possessive: Businesses’
Avoid embarrassing grammar and spelling mistakes once and for all! Never need to ask this question again with your personal grammar assistant! Download Grammarly and use it for free.
A business is something that provides goods or services for money. It can also be referred to as an “enterprise.”
For example, “he’s in the business of selling cars.”
The word can also be used as an adjective, as in “business model” or “business plan.”
Other Examples of Sentences with Business
The following examples show how to write business in sentences:
- Jane runs a successful business in downtown Los Angeles.
- My father has been in the business of selling cars his whole life.
- We need to develop a solid business plan if we want to grow our company.
- The new business model has been very successful so far.
Business’ is a possessive noun used to show ownership. It can also be spelled as business’s.
For example, “the business’ profits were lower this quarter than last.”
Other Examples of Sentences with Business’
The following examples show how to write business’ in sentences:
- The business’ profits were lower this quarter than last, which may cause problems for the company in the long run.
- The business’ employees are its most valuable asset.
- We should take a look at how other companies handle their business’ social media accounts before we make any decisions.
- The business’ website will be launching soon, and we need to make sure everything is perfect before it goes live.
Other Examples of Sentences with Business’s
As you can see from the following examples, we can also spell it as business’s
- The business’s profits were lower this quarter than last, which may cause problems for the company in the long run.
- The business’s employees are its most valuable asset.
- We should take a look at how other companies handle their business’s social media accounts before we make any decisions.
- The business’s website will be launching soon, and we need to make sure everything is perfect before it goes live.
The plural of business is businesses. We use this word when there is more than one business. Alternative words to businesses include ‘organizations’ and ‘enterprises.’
For example, “There are a lot of businesses in this town.”
Other Examples of Sentences with Businesses
The following examples show how to write businesses in sentences:
- The digital marketing industry is constantly changing, making it hard for businesses to keep up.
- These businesses have been in operation for over 20 years.
- Businesses need to be careful when handling customer data.
- Different businesses have different approaches to social media.
The possessive form of businesses is businesses’. This is used to show that many companies own something.
For example, “The government’s new regulations infringed upon the businesses’ rights.”
Other Examples of Sentences with Businesses’
The following examples show how to write businesses’ in sentences:
- The businesses’ employees are their most valuable asset.
- We should take a look at how other companies handle their businesses’ social media accounts before we make any decisions.
- The businesses’ websites will be launching soon, and we need to make sure everything is perfect before they go live.
- Many businesses’ social media accounts were hacked over the weekend , making it difficult for them to communicate with their customers.
When to Use Business’ or Business’s
Both business’ and business’s is correct.
If you are unsure whether to use business’ or business’s when writing, check your style guide or ask your boss or professor. Depending on which style guide you are using, you may need to change the spelling.
For example, according to the AP style guide , it would be spelled as business’.
If you are not restricted to a particular style guide, feel free to use whichever spelling you please. Just be sure to stick with that spelling for the rest of your essay and stay consistent.
Still Confused?
If you don’t know whether to say business’ or business’s, you can always say “X of the business” or “the organization’s Y.”
In this way, you avoid the confusing apostrophes and triple ‘s’!
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In Conclusion
There you have it! The plural of business is businesses. Use business’ when it is singular possessive and businesses’ when it is the plural possessive form.
Don’t forget, if you are ever unsure about which spelling to use, you can always consult a style guide or ask your boss or professor. And as a last resort, you can use “X of the business” or “the organization’s Y.”
We hope this article has helped clear up any confusion you may have had about the plural of business and the possessive forms of business. Good luck in your writing endeavors!
Useful Links
- Her’s or Hers? Which is Correct (With Examples)
- Hardwork or Hard Work? Hardworking or Hard-working?
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- Association or Organization? Is There a Difference?
- Bests or Best? Which is The Correct Way to Sign an Email?
- Best Ways To Respond To “Hope All is Well” (Formally and Informally)
Caitriona Maria is an education writer and founder of TPR Teaching, crafting inspiring pieces that promote the importance of developing new skills. For 7 years, she has been committed to providing students with the best learning opportunities possible, both domestically and abroad. Dedicated to unlocking students' potential, Caitriona has taught English in several countries and continues to explore new cultures through her travels.
Her’s or Hers? Which is Correct (With Examples)
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Definition of 'business plan'
- business plan
business plan in British English
Examples of 'business plan' in a sentence business plan, trends of business plan.
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In other languages business plan
- American English : business plan / ˈbɪznɪs plæn /
- Brazilian Portuguese : plano de negócios
- Chinese : 企划书
- European Spanish : plan de empresa
- French : plan d'entreprise
- German : Geschäftsplan
- Italian : piano di sviluppo di un'attività
- Japanese : 経営計画
- Korean : 사업 계획
- European Portuguese : plano de negócios
- Spanish : plan de empresa
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Business’s or Business’ or Businesses? What is the difference?
Businesses is the plural of a business when business means a company.
Business’ is the possessive form of the word business.
Business’s is also an accepted possessive form of the word business.
Before we begin to understand the possessive form of the word “business” we need to think about how we use the word.
There are two meanings of the word “business”
The first meaning is uncountable and means to engage in trading with other people.
Let’s do business together.
I often go to Japan on business.
This meaning of business does not have a singular or plural(because it is uncountable) and we don’t need to think about possessive form.
The second meaning of business is as a noun that has the same meaning as a company or enterprise.
I have an online business.
I own different businesses around the world.
This form is can have a plural form as you can count the different businesses that a person can have.
It can also have a possessive form, as a business can own things.
“Businesses” is the plural form of the word business when you are describing a company.
Richard Branson is an entrepreneur who has started many businesses in different fields.
Business’s is one way of writing the singular possessive form of the word business when we are using the “company” form of the word.
Most style guides would use business’ as both the singular and plural possessive form of the word due to the one-syllable rule which you read more about in my article and how to form possessive nuns ending in s here.
Business’ is the possessive plural form of the word business(again when we are using the noun that means a company)
We use the apostrophe after the s because the word “business” ends in s.
An example of this is when we want to talk about a business’ assets.
If you find this difficult(and you are not alone!) you can always say that “X belongs to the business”.
These are the business’ chairs.
These chairs belong to the business.
What do the style guides have to say? (AP, APA, CMS, and MLA)
According to the Chicago Manual of Style, the general rule is to add ’s to a singular noun ending in -s to form the possessive. The AP Style Guide suggests adding only an apostrophe to any word ending in “s” to make it possessive. The Macmillan College Handbook provides a bit of flexibility, allowing for either -‘s or just the apostrophe, especially if the proper noun ends in -s or -z and has two or more syllables ending in the same sound5.
The word company works slightly differently so I wrote a new article about it and you can read that article here.
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business plan
- Simple English
- enPR : /bĭznĭs plăn/
business plan ( plural business plans )
- 2023 August 23, Malcom Holmes tells Paul Stephen, “A mission to develop GCR's legacy”, in RAIL , number 990 , page 38 : "Since I've been here, I've been given a fairly free hand by the GCR board to get on with things, properly understand the organisation from a different perspective, and develop a new business plan for the future," he tells RAIL .
Related terms
- business idea
Unadapted borrowing from English business plan .
- IPA ( key ) : /bizˈnɛs.plan/
- Rhymes: -ɛsplan
- Syllabification: [please specify syllabification manually]
business plan m inan
- ( business ) Alternative spelling of biznesplan
Further reading
- business plan in Wielki słownik języka polskiego , Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN
- business plan in Polish dictionaries at PWN
- English lemmas
- English nouns
- English countable nouns
- English multiword terms
- en:Business
- English terms with quotations
- Polish terms borrowed from English
- Polish unadapted borrowings from English
- Polish terms derived from English
- Polish 3-syllable words
- Polish terms with IPA pronunciation
- Rhymes:Polish/ɛsplan
- Rhymes:Polish/ɛsplan/3 syllables
- Polish lemmas
- Polish nouns
- Polish multiword terms
- Polish masculine nouns
- Polish inanimate nouns
- pl:Business
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- Polish entries with Template:pl-pr without syllabification
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- Polish links with manual fragments
Business’ or Business’s: Which Spelling Is Correct?
Most writers are familiar with apostrophes. However, an extra level of complexity is added when dealing with nouns in the plural form & plural possessive form. In this article, we will example the correct plural possessive form of the word business. Read on to find out if the correct spelling is business’s or business’!
Table of Contents
Which Spelling Is Correct: Business’s or Business’?
We know that learning how to use apostrophes can be difficult for new & experienced writers. This is especially true when it comes to the plural form of the word business.
- Business’s – Singular possessive form of the word business. This spelling is used to show that a singular business has ownership of something.
- Business’ – Plural possessive form of the word business.
Takeaway : The correct spelling of the singular or plural form of the word business depends on the sentence context.
How To Use Business’s
The word “ business’s ” is the singular possessive form of the word business. It is used to show that something belongs to a specific company or business.
Sentence Examples
Here are sentence examples demonstrating how to use the word business’s in your writing.
- The business’s revenue increased by 20% this quarter, thanks to strategic marketing campaigns.
- The business’s expansion plans include opening three new branches in different cities.
- The business’s customer service team strives to provide prompt and efficient assistance to all clients.
However, as we saw in our post about the difference between the words vendor or vender , spelling matters. So pay close attention to your spelling & punctuation!
How To Use Business’
The word business’ is the plural possessive form of the word business. For new writers, it may look odd that the apostrophe is after the -S. It is used to show that something belongs to multiple businesses. Below are some examples of how to use the possessive plural form correctly.
Here are sentence examples demonstrating how to use the word business’ in your writing.
- The employees of the business’ main office were thrilled to receive bonuses for their hard work.
- The investors were impressed by the business’ strong financial performance and decided to increase their stake.
- The business’ website underwent a complete redesign to enhance user experience and attract more visitors.
Just like we saw in our analysis of the words Brasillian and Brazilian, even small spelling mistakes can make a major difference in a sentence.
What About Businesses?
Businesses is the plural form of the word business. This word does NOT indicate possession & does not contain any punctuation.
The word businesses is used to mean more than one business. For example, “Mark Cuban owns many businesses!”
Here are sentence examples demonstrating how to use the word businesses in your writing.
- Local businesses play a vital role in supporting the economy of our community.
- The government implemented policies to encourage the growth of small businesses and entrepreneurship.
- Many businesses have embraced digital transformation to stay competitive in today’s rapidly changing market.
Popularity Analysis
By analyzing the data from Google Ngram Viewer you can see that business’ is the more popular term. However, the correct spelling & punctuation depends on the context of the specific sentence.
But just like we learned in our post about the 10 Basic English Grammar Rules , punctuation mistakes are common. New writers often makes mistakes when it comes to using apostrophes!
Rules For Possessive Apostrophes
Here is a list of different possessive apostrophe rules that need to be followed.
- Singular nouns : To indicate possession for a singular noun, add an apostrophe and an “s” at the end of the word.
- Plural nouns : For regular plural nouns, add only an apostrophe after the “s” at the end of the word to show possession.
- Plural nouns not ending in “s” : For plural nouns that do not end in “s,” add an apostrophe and an “s”to show possession.
- Joint possession : If two or more people possess something together, add an apostrophe + “s”.
- Indefinite pronouns : To show possession with indefinite pronouns such as “one,” “someone,” or “everyone,” add an apostrophe and an “s”.
- Names ending in “s” : When a singular proper noun ends in “s,” you can either add an apostrophe and an “s” or just an apostrophe after the name.
Add these rules to your proofreading checklist to avoid making simple punctuation mistakes. However, you should remember that these are general rules & there are always exceptions such as when to use apostrophes after -Z amongst other rules!
Synonyms For Business
Here is a list of synonyms for the word “business”. Consider using these words to add variety to your writing and word choice.
- Corporation
- Organization
- Establishment
Frequently Asked Questions
The spelling “business’s is correct when trying to indicate the singular possessive form of the word business. For example, “the business’s revenue decreased significantly during the holiday season.”
Business is a singular noun and business’s is the singular possessive form of business. Adding the -‘S shows ownership.
Company’s is the correct singular possessive form. The spelling “companies” is the plural form to indicate more than one business.
The Bottom Line
By now, you should have a clear understanding of the difference between businesses, business’s, and business’. Although these are all very similar forms of the word business, they have different meanings. Instead of trying to memorize, you should understand the context of your writing in order to pick the correct spelling. Even a small spelling & punctuation change can totally modify the meaning of a word or phrase! If you need extra help with grammar & punctuation rules, consider using our Grammar Check Tool to make things easy!
‘Business's or Business' or Businesses': What's the Difference?
Are you curious whether to use 'business's or business' or businesses?' Don't worry, I am going to explain each to you.
Before we get started, here is a quick overview in case you are short on time:
- Business's is the singular possessive form of the noun business.
- Business' is an alternate singular possessive form of business.
- Businesses' is the plural possessive form of business.
If you are still confused or would like to learn more about how and when to use each form of business , keep reading!
What's the Difference Between, Business's or Business ' or Businesses '?
Business's , business ', and businesses ' are all possessive forms of the noun business . The difference between them is that business's and business ' are both singular possessive, and businesses ' is the plural possessive form of the noun.
So, how do you know which singular possessive version to use?
Well, the truth is, it depends. In most cases, business's is preferable. However, in informal communications or texts that do not adhere to a specific style guide, business' is also acceptable.
Writing Tips: When to Use Business's or Business' or Businesses'
Even after someone explains the difference between these possessive forms of business, knowing which to use can be confusing. So, here are some tips with examples.
- In personal communications, you can use business's or business' to show that one business has possession.
So, if I was writing a casual email to a friend or family member, I might say:
Do you know the business' return policy? This outfit looks terrible on me.
Do you know the business' customer service number? I need to contact them about my order.
- If you are working as a freelance writer , always refer to the style guide indicated by the client.
- If you are using Chicago, APA, or MLA style, use business's.
For example, you would write something like:
The business's rent was overdue, and the owner had no idea how he would come up with the money.
- Use business's or business' when you are adhering to AP style.
As an example, I might write:
The business's taxes were due, but the accountant was out sick.
The business' taxes were due, but the accountant was under the weather.
- No matter what style guide you are using, businesses' is the only way to show possession by multiple businesses.
For example, you could write:
The businesses' proposals had to be submitted by January 31st to be considered for the contract.
Definition of Business's : What Does Business's Mean?
To get a better understanding of the meaning of business's let's look at the definition of business.
Definition of 'Business'
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines 'business' as a noun that means:
- A mercantile or commercial activity someone engages in as a form of earning a living
- An industrial or commercial enterprise
- Transactions or dealings of an economic nature
- An immediate task, mission, or objective
- A specific field of endeavor
- A matter or affair
- A personal matter or concern
- A pet's bowel movement
- Busyness or purposeful activity
Synonyms of Business
- Enterprises
- Corporations
- Conglomerates
Meaning of Business's
There is no specific definition for business's however, when you add an apostrophe s to the end of a singular word, it shows singular possession.
So, business's means that a single business possesses or owns something.
Definition of Business': What Does Business' Mean?
You just learned the definition of business, so let's look at how adding an apostrophe to the end without an s changes the meaning.
Meaning of Business'
Business' means the same thing as business's . Both mean that one business has possession or owns something.
Definition of Businesses': What Does Businesses' Mean?
Businesses is the plural form of business. So, businesses' is the plural possessive form of the noun, meaning multiple businesses possess something.
Pronunciation: How to Pronounce Business 's or Business's or Businesses '
The pronunciation of these three forms of business only confuses things. Nevertheless, here is a quick pronunciation guide you can reference.
- Use this phonetic spelling to pronounce business ':
- Use this phonetic spelling to pronounce business 's:
- Use this phonetic spelling to pronounce businesses ':
Sample Sentences: Business's, Business', Businesses'
Now, read these sample sentences using each business version to ensure you know and remember how to use each possessive form.
- The business's marketing plan must be updated to reach its target audience better.
- Did you see the business's new logo? It looks great, and a high school student did it.
- The writers rewrote the business's web copy .
- Isn't that business's hold music annoying?
- The business ' earnings fell significantly during the first quarter of the year.
- If the business ' new product line does not impress consumers, it will be out of business.
- The managing editor read the business' earning reports and gave each writer a prompt for an interesting story they could write using the data.
- The business' response time is ridiculous. I was on hold for ninety minutes the other day before a representative finally picked up the phone.
- Alone, the businesses could not come up with a solution, but when the businesses' resources were put together, they were able to create something that exceeded everyone's expectations.
- Did you attend the tradeshow this year? The businesses ' booths were incredible.
- The businesses ' home offices are scattered throughout the United States and Canada, but they were able to collaborate remotely.
Quick Recap: Business's or 'Business' or Businesses'
Finally, let's quickly recap what you learned about the difference between business's or business' or businesses':
- Business's is the preferred singular possessive form of the noun business.
- Business' is an alternate singular possessive form of business.
- Businesses' is the only plural possessive form of the noun business.
- You should consult your style guide to determine the correct form to use.
Remembering can be challenging even after learning what each of these words means and how to use them. So, if you need a reminder, you can always return to this page for a quick review of this lesson.
And if you want to improve your grammar and spelling skills, check out a few other guides before you go.
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English Intelligent
Business, Business’s, and Businesses’- When to Use Each Form
When it comes to English grammar, there are often many questions that arise. One of the most common ones is whether to use the singular or plural form of a word. This is particularly true when it comes to the word “business.”
In this article, we will explore the correct usage of the word “business” and provide you with a comprehensive guide to help you understand when to use it in the singular, plural, and possessive forms.
Business – The Singular Form
The word “business” can be used in the singular form when referring to a single entity or a singular concept. For example, “This business is thriving” or “Business is booming.” In these instances, “business” is treated as a singular noun.
Business’s – The Possessive Form
The possessive form of “business” is “business’s.” It is used to indicate ownership or possession by a singular entity. For example, “The business’s profits have increased this quarter” or “The business’s strategy is to expand into new markets.” In these instances, “business’s” is used to show that something belongs to or is associated with the business.
Businesses – The Plural Form
The word “business” can also be used in the plural form when referring to multiple entities or when speaking about various aspects of business. For example, “These businesses are thriving” or “I have worked in several businesses over the years.” In these instances, “business” is treated as a plural noun.
Businesses’ – The Possessive Form
The possessive form of “businesses” is “businesses’.” It is used to indicate ownership or possession by multiple entities. For example, “The businesses’ profits have increased this quarter” or “The businesses’ strategies vary depending on their size and industry.” In these instances, “businesses’” is used to show that something belongs to or is associated with multiple businesses.
When to Use Business, Business’s, and Businesses’
Now that we have explored the correct usage of the singular, plural, and possessive forms of “business,” let’s take a closer look at when to use each one.
Use Business When:
- Referring to a single entity or a singular concept.
- Speaking in general terms about the world of business.
- Using business as an adjective to describe a noun, e.g., business strategy.
Use Business’s When:
- Referring to the ownership or possession of a singular business entity.
Use Businesses When:
- Referring to multiple entities or when speaking about various aspects of business.
- Speaking specifically about companies or enterprises, e.g., small businesses.
- Describing a collection of companies, e.g., the family of businesses owned by the same parent company.
Use Businesses’ When:
- Referring to the ownership or possession of multiple business entities.
It is important to note that when using the possessive form of “business” and “businesses,” an apostrophe is always used before the “s.”
In conclusion, the correct usage of the word “business” and its various forms can be tricky, but by following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can ensure that you are using it in the right way. Remember, use “business” in the singular form when referring to a single entity or a singular concept, “business’s” to indicate ownership or possession by a singular entity, “businesses” in the plural form when referring to multiple entities or when speaking about various aspects of business, and “businesses’” to indicate ownership or possession by multiple entities.
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The plural form of the word "business plan" is "business plans". Forming plural nouns can be difficult. To form the plural form of the word, you'll base it on the last letter or last two letters of the singular word form. The word "business plan" is considered a common noun. Sentence examples for the plural of "Business Plan"
This applies even though "business" ends with an "s," which many people get confused with. However, when you use the plural form "businesses," you can add an apostrophe without an "s" to the end to show ownership. So, in singular form, "business'" is wrong. In plural form, "businesses'" will be correct.
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Businesses, business' or business's, which is correct? The noun business has an 's' at the end, which may cause some confusion in writing. But it needn't be so difficult! We form the singular and plural possessive the same way we do with other nouns. Singular Noun: Business. Singular Possessive: Business' or Business's. Plural ...
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Businesses is the plural form of business. So, businesses' is the plural possessive form of the noun, meaning multiple businesses possess something. Pronunciation: How to Pronounce Business's or Business's or Businesses' The pronunciation of these three forms of business only confuses things. Nevertheless, here is a quick pronunciation guide ...
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