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How To Write A Dissertation Or Thesis
8 Straightforward Steps + Examples
By: Derek Jansen (MBA) Expert Reviewed By: Dr Eunice Rautenbach | June 2020
How To Write A Dissertation: 8 Steps
- Clearly understand what a dissertation (or thesis) is
- Find a unique and valuable research topic
- Craft a convincing research proposal
- Write up a strong introduction chapter
- Review the existing literature and compile a literature review
- Design a rigorous research strategy and undertake your own research
- Present the findings of your research
- Draw a conclusion and discuss the implications
Step 1: Understand exactly what a dissertation is
This probably sounds like a no-brainer, but all too often, students come to us for help with their research and the underlying issue is that they don’t fully understand what a dissertation (or thesis) actually is.
So, what is a dissertation?
At its simplest, a dissertation or thesis is a formal piece of research , reflecting the standard research process . But what is the standard research process, you ask? The research process involves 4 key steps:
- Ask a very specific, well-articulated question (s) (your research topic)
- See what other researchers have said about it (if they’ve already answered it)
- If they haven’t answered it adequately, undertake your own data collection and analysis in a scientifically rigorous fashion
- Answer your original question(s), based on your analysis findings
In short, the research process is simply about asking and answering questions in a systematic fashion . This probably sounds pretty obvious, but people often think they’ve done “research”, when in fact what they have done is:
- Started with a vague, poorly articulated question
- Not taken the time to see what research has already been done regarding the question
- Collected data and opinions that support their gut and undertaken a flimsy analysis
- Drawn a shaky conclusion, based on that analysis
If you want to see the perfect example of this in action, look out for the next Facebook post where someone claims they’ve done “research”… All too often, people consider reading a few blog posts to constitute research. Its no surprise then that what they end up with is an opinion piece, not research. Okay, okay – I’ll climb off my soapbox now.
The key takeaway here is that a dissertation (or thesis) is a formal piece of research, reflecting the research process. It’s not an opinion piece , nor a place to push your agenda or try to convince someone of your position. Writing a good dissertation involves asking a question and taking a systematic, rigorous approach to answering it.
If you understand this and are comfortable leaving your opinions or preconceived ideas at the door, you’re already off to a good start!
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Step 2: Find a unique, valuable research topic
As we saw, the first step of the research process is to ask a specific, well-articulated question. In other words, you need to find a research topic that asks a specific question or set of questions (these are called research questions ). Sounds easy enough, right? All you’ve got to do is identify a question or two and you’ve got a winning research topic. Well, not quite…
A good dissertation or thesis topic has a few important attributes. Specifically, a solid research topic should be:
Let’s take a closer look at these:
Attribute #1: Clear
Your research topic needs to be crystal clear about what you’re planning to research, what you want to know, and within what context. There shouldn’t be any ambiguity or vagueness about what you’ll research.
Here’s an example of a clearly articulated research topic:
An analysis of consumer-based factors influencing organisational trust in British low-cost online equity brokerage firms.
As you can see in the example, its crystal clear what will be analysed (factors impacting organisational trust), amongst who (consumers) and in what context (British low-cost equity brokerage firms, based online).
Need a helping hand?
Attribute #2: Unique
Your research should be asking a question(s) that hasn’t been asked before, or that hasn’t been asked in a specific context (for example, in a specific country or industry).
For example, sticking organisational trust topic above, it’s quite likely that organisational trust factors in the UK have been investigated before, but the context (online low-cost equity brokerages) could make this research unique. Therefore, the context makes this research original.
One caveat when using context as the basis for originality – you need to have a good reason to suspect that your findings in this context might be different from the existing research – otherwise, there’s no reason to warrant researching it.
Attribute #3: Important
Simply asking a unique or original question is not enough – the question needs to create value. In other words, successfully answering your research questions should provide some value to the field of research or the industry. You can’t research something just to satisfy your curiosity. It needs to make some form of contribution either to research or industry.
For example, researching the factors influencing consumer trust would create value by enabling businesses to tailor their operations and marketing to leverage factors that promote trust. In other words, it would have a clear benefit to industry.
So, how do you go about finding a unique and valuable research topic? We explain that in detail in this video post – How To Find A Research Topic . Yeah, we’ve got you covered 😊
Step 3: Write a convincing research proposal
Once you’ve pinned down a high-quality research topic, the next step is to convince your university to let you research it. No matter how awesome you think your topic is, it still needs to get the rubber stamp before you can move forward with your research. The research proposal is the tool you’ll use for this job.
So, what’s in a research proposal?
The main “job” of a research proposal is to convince your university, advisor or committee that your research topic is worthy of approval. But convince them of what? Well, this varies from university to university, but generally, they want to see that:
- You have a clearly articulated, unique and important topic (this might sound familiar…)
- You’ve done some initial reading of the existing literature relevant to your topic (i.e. a literature review)
- You have a provisional plan in terms of how you will collect data and analyse it (i.e. a methodology)
At the proposal stage, it’s (generally) not expected that you’ve extensively reviewed the existing literature , but you will need to show that you’ve done enough reading to identify a clear gap for original (unique) research. Similarly, they generally don’t expect that you have a rock-solid research methodology mapped out, but you should have an idea of whether you’ll be undertaking qualitative or quantitative analysis , and how you’ll collect your data (we’ll discuss this in more detail later).
Long story short – don’t stress about having every detail of your research meticulously thought out at the proposal stage – this will develop as you progress through your research. However, you do need to show that you’ve “done your homework” and that your research is worthy of approval .
So, how do you go about crafting a high-quality, convincing proposal? We cover that in detail in this video post – How To Write A Top-Class Research Proposal . We’ve also got a video walkthrough of two proposal examples here .
Step 4: Craft a strong introduction chapter
Once your proposal’s been approved, its time to get writing your actual dissertation or thesis! The good news is that if you put the time into crafting a high-quality proposal, you’ve already got a head start on your first three chapters – introduction, literature review and methodology – as you can use your proposal as the basis for these.
Handy sidenote – our free dissertation & thesis template is a great way to speed up your dissertation writing journey.
What’s the introduction chapter all about?
The purpose of the introduction chapter is to set the scene for your research (dare I say, to introduce it…) so that the reader understands what you’ll be researching and why it’s important. In other words, it covers the same ground as the research proposal in that it justifies your research topic.
What goes into the introduction chapter?
This can vary slightly between universities and degrees, but generally, the introduction chapter will include the following:
- A brief background to the study, explaining the overall area of research
- A problem statement , explaining what the problem is with the current state of research (in other words, where the knowledge gap exists)
- Your research questions – in other words, the specific questions your study will seek to answer (based on the knowledge gap)
- The significance of your study – in other words, why it’s important and how its findings will be useful in the world
As you can see, this all about explaining the “what” and the “why” of your research (as opposed to the “how”). So, your introduction chapter is basically the salesman of your study, “selling” your research to the first-time reader and (hopefully) getting them interested to read more.
Step 5: Undertake an in-depth literature review
As I mentioned earlier, you’ll need to do some initial review of the literature in Steps 2 and 3 to find your research gap and craft a convincing research proposal – but that’s just scratching the surface. Once you reach the literature review stage of your dissertation or thesis, you need to dig a lot deeper into the existing research and write up a comprehensive literature review chapter.
What’s the literature review all about?
There are two main stages in the literature review process:
Literature Review Step 1: Reading up
The first stage is for you to deep dive into the existing literature (journal articles, textbook chapters, industry reports, etc) to gain an in-depth understanding of the current state of research regarding your topic. While you don’t need to read every single article, you do need to ensure that you cover all literature that is related to your core research questions, and create a comprehensive catalogue of that literature , which you’ll use in the next step.
Reading and digesting all the relevant literature is a time consuming and intellectually demanding process. Many students underestimate just how much work goes into this step, so make sure that you allocate a good amount of time for this when planning out your research. Thankfully, there are ways to fast track the process – be sure to check out this article covering how to read journal articles quickly .
Literature Review Step 2: Writing up
Once you’ve worked through the literature and digested it all, you’ll need to write up your literature review chapter. Many students make the mistake of thinking that the literature review chapter is simply a summary of what other researchers have said. While this is partly true, a literature review is much more than just a summary. To pull off a good literature review chapter, you’ll need to achieve at least 3 things:
- You need to synthesise the existing research , not just summarise it. In other words, you need to show how different pieces of theory fit together, what’s agreed on by researchers, what’s not.
- You need to highlight a research gap that your research is going to fill. In other words, you’ve got to outline the problem so that your research topic can provide a solution.
- You need to use the existing research to inform your methodology and approach to your own research design. For example, you might use questions or Likert scales from previous studies in your your own survey design .
As you can see, a good literature review is more than just a summary of the published research. It’s the foundation on which your own research is built, so it deserves a lot of love and attention. Take the time to craft a comprehensive literature review with a suitable structure .
But, how do I actually write the literature review chapter, you ask? We cover that in detail in this video post .
Step 6: Carry out your own research
Once you’ve completed your literature review and have a sound understanding of the existing research, its time to develop your own research (finally!). You’ll design this research specifically so that you can find the answers to your unique research question.
There are two steps here – designing your research strategy and executing on it:
1 – Design your research strategy
The first step is to design your research strategy and craft a methodology chapter . I won’t get into the technicalities of the methodology chapter here, but in simple terms, this chapter is about explaining the “how” of your research. If you recall, the introduction and literature review chapters discussed the “what” and the “why”, so it makes sense that the next point to cover is the “how” –that’s what the methodology chapter is all about.
In this section, you’ll need to make firm decisions about your research design. This includes things like:
- Your research philosophy (e.g. positivism or interpretivism )
- Your overall methodology (e.g. qualitative , quantitative or mixed methods)
- Your data collection strategy (e.g. interviews , focus groups, surveys)
- Your data analysis strategy (e.g. content analysis , correlation analysis, regression)
If these words have got your head spinning, don’t worry! We’ll explain these in plain language in other posts. It’s not essential that you understand the intricacies of research design (yet!). The key takeaway here is that you’ll need to make decisions about how you’ll design your own research, and you’ll need to describe (and justify) your decisions in your methodology chapter.
2 – Execute: Collect and analyse your data
Once you’ve worked out your research design, you’ll put it into action and start collecting your data. This might mean undertaking interviews, hosting an online survey or any other data collection method. Data collection can take quite a bit of time (especially if you host in-person interviews), so be sure to factor sufficient time into your project plan for this. Oftentimes, things don’t go 100% to plan (for example, you don’t get as many survey responses as you hoped for), so bake a little extra time into your budget here.
Once you’ve collected your data, you’ll need to do some data preparation before you can sink your teeth into the analysis. For example:
- If you carry out interviews or focus groups, you’ll need to transcribe your audio data to text (i.e. a Word document).
- If you collect quantitative survey data, you’ll need to clean up your data and get it into the right format for whichever analysis software you use (for example, SPSS, R or STATA).
Once you’ve completed your data prep, you’ll undertake your analysis, using the techniques that you described in your methodology. Depending on what you find in your analysis, you might also do some additional forms of analysis that you hadn’t planned for. For example, you might see something in the data that raises new questions or that requires clarification with further analysis.
The type(s) of analysis that you’ll use depend entirely on the nature of your research and your research questions. For example:
- If your research if exploratory in nature, you’ll often use qualitative analysis techniques .
- If your research is confirmatory in nature, you’ll often use quantitative analysis techniques
- If your research involves a mix of both, you might use a mixed methods approach
Again, if these words have got your head spinning, don’t worry! We’ll explain these concepts and techniques in other posts. The key takeaway is simply that there’s no “one size fits all” for research design and methodology – it all depends on your topic, your research questions and your data. So, don’t be surprised if your study colleagues take a completely different approach to yours.
Step 7: Present your findings
Once you’ve completed your analysis, it’s time to present your findings (finally!). In a dissertation or thesis, you’ll typically present your findings in two chapters – the results chapter and the discussion chapter .
What’s the difference between the results chapter and the discussion chapter?
While these two chapters are similar, the results chapter generally just presents the processed data neatly and clearly without interpretation, while the discussion chapter explains the story the data are telling – in other words, it provides your interpretation of the results.
For example, if you were researching the factors that influence consumer trust, you might have used a quantitative approach to identify the relationship between potential factors (e.g. perceived integrity and competence of the organisation) and consumer trust. In this case:
- Your results chapter would just present the results of the statistical tests. For example, correlation results or differences between groups. In other words, the processed numbers.
- Your discussion chapter would explain what the numbers mean in relation to your research question(s). For example, Factor 1 has a weak relationship with consumer trust, while Factor 2 has a strong relationship.
Depending on the university and degree, these two chapters (results and discussion) are sometimes merged into one , so be sure to check with your institution what their preference is. Regardless of the chapter structure, this section is about presenting the findings of your research in a clear, easy to understand fashion.
Importantly, your discussion here needs to link back to your research questions (which you outlined in the introduction or literature review chapter). In other words, it needs to answer the key questions you asked (or at least attempt to answer them).
For example, if we look at the sample research topic:
In this case, the discussion section would clearly outline which factors seem to have a noteworthy influence on organisational trust. By doing so, they are answering the overarching question and fulfilling the purpose of the research .
Step 8: The Final Step Draw a conclusion and discuss the implications
Last but not least, you’ll need to wrap up your research with the conclusion chapter . In this chapter, you’ll bring your research full circle by highlighting the key findings of your study and explaining what the implications of these findings are.
What exactly are key findings? The key findings are those findings which directly relate to your original research questions and overall research objectives (which you discussed in your introduction chapter). The implications, on the other hand, explain what your findings mean for industry, or for research in your area.
Sticking with the consumer trust topic example, the conclusion might look something like this:
Key findings
This study set out to identify which factors influence consumer-based trust in British low-cost online equity brokerage firms. The results suggest that the following factors have a large impact on consumer trust:
While the following factors have a very limited impact on consumer trust:
Notably, within the 25-30 age groups, Factors E had a noticeably larger impact, which may be explained by…
The findings having noteworthy implications for British low-cost online equity brokers. Specifically:
The large impact of Factors X and Y implies that brokers need to consider….
The limited impact of Factor E implies that brokers need to…
As you can see, the conclusion chapter is basically explaining the “what” (what your study found) and the “so what?” (what the findings mean for the industry or research). This brings the study full circle and closes off the document.
Let’s recap – how to write a dissertation or thesis
You’re still with me? Impressive! I know that this post was a long one, but hopefully you’ve learnt a thing or two about how to write a dissertation or thesis, and are now better equipped to start your own research.
To recap, the 8 steps to writing a quality dissertation (or thesis) are as follows:
- Understand what a dissertation (or thesis) is – a research project that follows the research process.
- Find a unique (original) and important research topic
- Craft a convincing dissertation or thesis research proposal
- Write a clear, compelling introduction chapter
- Undertake a thorough review of the existing research and write up a literature review
- Undertake your own research
- Present and interpret your findings
Once you’ve wrapped up the core chapters, all that’s typically left is the abstract , reference list and appendices. As always, be sure to check with your university if they have any additional requirements in terms of structure or content.
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Great to hear that – thanks for the feedback. Good luck writing your dissertation/thesis.
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You might think it’s all about our amazing academic writing experts in the Academized team, but our customer support team are the true heroes. They work 24/7 so that there’s always someone to answer your question or query, whether through live chat, WhatsApp, toll-free phone, or email. Live chat is usually the quickest and is recommended for immediate assistance.
What qualifications do your dissertation writers have?
Out of our expert academic team, only a few are picked to work on dissertations – the best of the best! These are professionals with master’s and doctoral degrees in a wide range of subjects, specializing in so many different academic fields, and they all have extensive experience with dissertations. We vet every single writer carefully, so you’re in safe hands with Academized.
How does Academized protect my privacy and confidentiality?
Alongside high-quality work and originality, Academized prioritizes privacy and confidentiality above all else, because keeping our clients safe and anonymous is incredibly important to us. We use advanced encryption technologies to secure your personal and financial information, and your information will never be shared with third parties. Ordering a dissertation is completely safe with us.
Privacy protection
We ensure the safety of your transactions and personal information. Payments are processed through highly secure, reputable global payment systems. We guarantee the confidentiality of your personal details, which are never shared with external parties, including the writers handling your projects. Additionally, our website's interaction is safeguarded using robust 256-bit SSL encryption, providing you with a secure browsing experience.
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Jacob Jones
Active 17m ago
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Active 26m ago
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Write my dissertation safely with Papersowl
When you feel ready to share your write my dissertation message with an expert, it is only natural to feel concerned about quality and guarantees. Keeping your worries in mind, we are ready to assist you and help you achieve success and clarity. Since dissertation writing is a time-consuming and demanding process, let's look at all the benefits and declarations of given academic writing services. As a professional team of researchers, we know what it takes to deliver things on time. Take time to learn how it becomes possible and how our experts work!
Write my dissertation for me professionally with Papersowl
Our dissertation writing services include all types of work, including assistance with the topic and a proposal, correction of structure and formatting, and elimination of grammatical mistakes. What makes us unique is direct communication with an expert, which helps to discuss things and ensure that everything is understood well. If you need to choose the best thesis or have an expert check your sample data, you can find it here! No matter what subject you want to work with or what academic complexity you must face, we have the right dissertation writer to help bring your dissertation paper to perfection!
Seamless dissertation writing experience
One of the most challenging aspects of composing a dissertation on time and without problems is discipline. Our dissertation writing service makes it possible to stay on track and address every point. You can read lots of feedback and enjoy numerous factors like talking to professional writers directly, free unlimited revisions, and a money-back guarantee feature. Your funds will be returned after careful evaluation if we do not match your expectations.
As a reliable company, we do not use pre-written or existing content. All the written parts are composed from scratch, which helps to offer 100% originality. Likewise, when you worry about your writing and grammar, your final draft will be free of poor English or mechanical problems. The same is true for a literature review and correctly formatting your sources. All of the difficult parts or anything that makes you feel concerned is what we can help you resolve!
Expert specialists at your service
The lion’s share of writing a dissertation paper belongs to our experts, who evaluate every part of your objectives and help you find the solutions. If you are unsure about what must be done or your academic advisor's instructions are unclear, we can assist you with any research paper you wish to include and cite. As experienced tutors, we know what is expected or what parts must be corrected to make your writing credible. Offering professional dissertation writing services online, our expert writers are always caring and listening to every thought that you have in mind. You are in the right place when you are looking for original research that can be outlined during direct communication!
Customized dissertation solutions
As you may read in dissertation writing service reviews, every type of writing is different. While you may have specific instructions, the most important is to receive timely custom dissertation assistance. When checking proposed literature and work for your grades, you need to cooperate with a master’s degree expert who will provide something unique. This is our formula that helps to address every point of writing. Whether you need to edit the mistakes or work with the first chapter of your dissertation, we shall help you find the best research questions and inspire your writing!
When you feel worried and run out of time, just place your order and talk to the writer assigned to discuss your concerns. We know what questions or information must be asked to make your writing credible and clear! By offering legitimate dissertation writing services USA, we stand for quality and affordability!
Professional dissertation writers team
When writing dissertations and asking for professional assistance, the first concern is the qualification of specialists. All our experts are native English speakers with special training sessions and verified academic credentials. It means that when you request thesis writing services, you cooperate with the industry's best. Starting with the attitude and always timely delivery and up to the writing process steps, we always make it clear and safe for you! When you see a money-back guarantee with originality and plagiarism-free work, it also means that we rely on our quality and address the feedback of service reviews that we have! Our experts always read your thoughts and concerns, which helps us improve our services!
Meet our team of academic experts
Your success would not be possible without our professional dissertation writers, who work hard to make your dissertation writing excellent and plagiarism-free. Our team consists of skilled specialists who have been tested by our experts and trained to work fast. We have experienced writers who can assist you with your PHD dissertation on various subjects, from English Literature and Economics to Nursing and Engineering. You can talk to our academic experts free of charge and pay only when you choose someone who fits your vision and creativity. Our dissertation service has the right expert, as you can find out yourself by filling out the order form and talking to our customer support 24/7!
Qualifications of our dissertation writers
Our service hires only those specialists who can provide a complete dissertation. A reason for that is that an expert should be able to check all aspects, from formatting to the final proofreading. Data collection also takes an experienced person since it is one of the most challenging parts. Therefore, our specialists are graduates with Master’s and Ph.D. diplomas verified by our admission committee. As you are looking for someone to write your dissertation, we let you cooperate only with native English speakers and an expert with an exceptional reputation. We believe that it is one of the important matters because genuine care and respect always help to make writing enjoyable!
Diverse expertise in various subjects
Another advantage we offer you is the variety of subjects and the types of dissertation writing. This means that you can choose a dissertation in psychology, request something related to fashion studies, or need an annotated bibliography for something related to nursing. When unsure about your subject, you can always talk to our customer agents, who will help you choose qualified writers matching your objectives. As you shall see, getting it all flawless and stress-free is just what you require. If you need specific editing or correction of certain bits in your paper, let us check your concerns and get it all done. Our professional assistance in any subject or type of dissertation writing is exactly what you need!
Find the best academic writing help to write your dissertation cheap
When you are ready to start writing a dissertation online, you are already in the best place and in the hands of the best experts. If you are worried about the price, we can provide excellent offers as we know how much-struggling university students can be! Even if you need an entire dissertation urgently or must propose a thesis, we can find the best solution that will please you, along with free revisions and a money-back guarantee. Remember that it includes editing, formatting, and checking for logic. It helps to ensure that you pay for all the necessary dissertation elements.
Affordable writing services for students
If you have never used dissertation paper writing services before, you might be concerned about the price. When you ask for urgent assistance, your price will always be higher. Likewise, the price becomes more affordable when you pay someone to write for something with a lengthier deadline. When you wait a little bit for the bidding experts, you may end up with an amazing price bargain!
Since you are cooperating with a trained expert and hope to receive custom dissertations, you need to understand that they come with a price tag. At the same time, we keep the right balance and try to include as many writing services as possible to help you receive proper assistance. It is also guaranteed to help you remain safe and stay within essay writing legitimacy.
Quality dissertations on a budget
If you are asking whether it is possible to receive quality without costing a fortune, we must tell you that it’s not a fairytale. Most academic papers that look good are done by those authors who address every grading rubric point and know what is expected. It is one of the reasons why our dissertation services always evaluate your requests first and only then start with their assistance. It helps to meet all the aspects, meet the deadline, and offer free revisions that can help you edit things perfectly. If you wish to edit something or add another sentence necessary, just let your chosen assistant know. Feel free to meet our dissertation writers, who will show you that it’s possible!
Cost-effective dissertation writing options
Our academic services provide you with various types of methods to make things more cost-effective. You can save some funds if you choose a longer deadline or bid for the price by waiting for our specialists to offer a special, cost-effective dissertation. If you need to work on your thesis proposal, you may place an order for this part and request editing as a separate service. It will help you to diminish the final price. Likewise, a professional writer will help you find the best solution before you pay. It helps to choose all that you see fit before risking anything. As a rule, such services do not allow you to talk to your expert in advance, yet we make it possible and help to achieve college students' success without costing an arm and a leg!
Solving your dissertation writing problems easily
Writing an undergraduate dissertation or working on your thesis is difficult, as most students do not go through the preparation stage. Keeping this problem in mind, we know how to address this issue and will implement every comment or instruction you share. It is what makes our dissertation services so unique, as you only have to talk to us and share the topic and instructions first. The more you discuss with us, the sooner and better your success will be! If you still have a challenge or do not know what to do or how to work out your grading rubric, our support team will guide you through everything with no hassle and exceptional quality!
Step-by-step guide to dissertation writing
Most importantly, prepare your dissertation proposal and information related to your objectives before you find someone to write. It will help you save time and see more clarity as you talk to experienced writers and discuss what must be done. You should also list your subject and choose the relevant academic level to match your master’s degree and the quality you wish to receive. No matter what you choose and the type of writing you must do, we keep up to the highest academic standards with all the technical aspects and plagiarism-free writing. Feel free to read our positive reviews that will help you learn more about how we work!
Overcoming common dissertation challenges
We know it all about dissertation writing problems ranging from structure to the lack of proper comprehensive analysis that makes your thesis work out. The same is true for all the types of citations and formatting. We know how to overcome these “write my dissertation” difficulties and will easily correct all your mistakes before you make a final submission. If you are unsure about what part comes next in your research proposal or need to work with your abstract, just provide us with your concerns so we can help you get the best dissertation! No matter what you are struggling with - just give us a shout!
Tailored support for your dissertation journey
Do not be afraid to develop a problem in the middle or somewhere at the very end of your dissertation. Numerous students ask for help as they share your write my dissertation message late at night or early in the morning. We know how to provide immediate help without making you feel confused. Our dissertation writing services are always at your disposal and will help you stay on track no matter what, regardless of time! If you need a written part that is not too lengthy, it can be done in as little as 4 hours. The same is true for editing and correcting grammar mistakes or repetitions (proofreading type of services). When you have the right ideas but need someone with academic vigor and the ability to work fast, PapersOwl is the way to go!
Hire dissertation writing services without costing a fortune
When you are unsure about what to do with your dissertation, all you have to do is share your write my dissertation message with us and follow the instructions on the screen by filling out the subject, formatting, academic level, deadline, and citation type, among other things. Before starting the writing process, you only have to talk to our customer support agent or see specialists available to deal with your subject. Since you aim for a custom dissertation, you should not expect it to cost a fortune! The trick here is that our experts will bid for the best price, depending on your chosen academic level and the dissertation paper deadline that has been set.
Economical hiring of professional writers
Since a dissertation can be compared to a typical research paper, it will come with a list of literature review work and processing of the sources. You can talk to our specialists who have worked with thesis work in the past or those who have dealt with a specific subject. Talk to them, discuss the bidding price, and get in touch with our support team. You will be able to see how you can come up with the best offer.
Get more for less: affordable academic help
When you already have a research proposal that you need to edit, remember that you can request a separate editing service. It means that instead of sharing your “write my dissertation” message, you can ask for editing, which will be much cheaper. The same is true when you ask for unlimited editing and revision. It means you can do minor editing without cost as you look at the final paper.
No hidden costs in dissertation assistance
Some students who seek academic assistance feel worried about the final price. We keep our costs transparent because we always tell you how much you must pay. We implement a bidding system where the experts provide the best price. When you wish to let an academic rigor specialist start, you only have to pay a small deposit to let the dissertation work start. At the same time, you can talk to your future assistant before you pay. Once you have received your final dissertation, you can pay only when you are happy with the final version.
What guarantees do you provide when using your dissertation writing service?
When you request assistance with our dissertation, we always provide extensive research and timely delivery. We understand that working for a Master’s degree is not easy, so we allow you to talk directly and enjoy free revisions. It helps us to avoid plagiarism and keep things original. In addition to that, we can provide you with the following advantages:
- Assistants with verified academic credentials.
- Guidance with formatting and dissertation structure.
- Free revisions and money-back guarantee.
- Customer support 24/7.
- Available plagiarism reports.
- A wide coverage of diverse academic subjects.
- A legitimate dissertation writing service in the USA.
- Safe payment methods and confidentiality.
- Always timely delivery.
- Affordable prices that will match the student’s budget.
Our dissertation writers always ask questions to ensure that the best solution for your writing needs is found!
Our commitment to quality and timeliness
As a company that has worked with thousands of dissertation papers, we are very strict regarding academic integrity. Our writing services are second to none because we allow you to talk to a chosen specialist and keep our guidance transparent. Our support team is available 24/7 and can assist even students with poor English skills. If you are a foreign student in the USA, we can provide ordering assistance and match you with a suitable dissertation writer. When you need to write a dissertation urgently, we can provide timely services and do everything possible to help you achieve the best dissertation.
Guaranteed confidentiality and originality
When you wish to stay safe and achieve success, confidentiality is part of our best dissertation package. This means we care about your confidentiality and never share your private or payment information with a third party. When you make a payment, all the information is encrypted with 256-SSL. All of your content is distributed to you via the chosen communication method. We never share the final dissertation or any other work and always keep you safe, being a legitimate writing service. Regarding plagiarism, we provide you with the detection similarity report, so always double-check your paper to ensure it is original. You can read numerous reviews to see why so many students return and use our services again!
Satisfaction guarantee with every placed order
Your happiness and academic success are both perils that satisfy us as well. We guarantee that you will be happy because we make you safe not only in terms of affordability and finances! When you place an order with us and wish to complete your dissertation, we make it exceptional. From our list of positive reviews to the final editing of your thesis proposal, we help you to pull through and avoid any delays and stress! We are certain that you will come back again and will not have to worry about meeting the deadline for your dissertation section, the final passage, and the words of thanks. Just let us know what must be done, and your dissertation writer will help you 24/7!
Order any research dissertation or paper
- Essay (any type)
- Research paper
- Dissertation
- Critical thinking
- Research proposal
- Annotated bibliography
- Argumentative essay
- Article review
- Admission essay
- Presentation or speech
- Capstone project
- Personal statement
Dissertation FAQ
When hiring writers for our team, that can help you write a dissertation, we only choose the best. Each candidate is assessed and interviewed extensively. In the end, we only allow experienced professionals to write for us. Every professional dissertation writer on our platform also has a native-level English ability and they have received a diploma within their area of expertise.
Of course. We invite you to browse through our list of available writers and choose an expert you trust and text us “Please, do my dissertation for me”. If you don’t have a preference, we will choose a writer that suits best for your order .
We only add the best writers to our team. Members of our literacy staff are American graduates who hold Masters’ or PhD degrees and consequently have expertise in academic writing. Our personnel comes from a variety of scientific backgrounds, so there is always someone available who is well-suited to your PhD research, and will surely cover your dissertation writing.
On our “make my dissertation” platform, you as a customer will be able to adjust the requirements to the order on the fly. Due to the fact that you will have direct communication with the dissertation writer, you can ask him to change some details or the writing vector in the process.
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- We guarantee full confidentiality and plagiarism-free papers
Who Will Write My Dissertation for Me?
When you started your PhD program, you never thought you’d come to the point of thinking: “I’ll have to hire someone to write my dissertation!” But that moment came. You shouldn’t feel despair. You don’t know this, but most of your peers are getting help from professional writers.
We’ve worked with thousands of PhD candidates so far. These are some of the most common problems they face with the process:
- They can’t find the balance between their career and their commitment to the PhD degree. They already have jobs. One option would be to get unpaid leave. The dissertation takes months of work, so being jobless for such a long period of time is a hard decision to make.
- They got into the writer’s block. The doctoral paper is such a huge challenge that it can drive you crazy. Everyone expects too much. You start off well, but you get to the point of thinking you’re not good enough.
- Some PhD candidates are brilliant researchers, but bad writers. They need someone to convey the point of their research.
It doesn’t matter what your problem is. The important thing is that a professional writer with a PhD degree in your area of study can help you overcome it.
How Will Write My Dissertation?
Once we get all the details about your order, we’ll assign a writer with the most relevant experience and education to work on your paper. This is how they will approach the process:
- First, the writer will analyze your requirements. At our website, you can order a single chapter, several chapters, or an entire dissertation. If you want chapters, the writer will analyze your work to make sure that the content they complete fits in.
- The writer will start with a preliminary research. They will find information to include in the content, so they will support the arguments. All sources are authoritative and properly cited.
- The writer will organize the resources and planned arguments in a clean outline.
- Once the outline is ready, the writing process can begin. You can contact the writer at any point. Feel free to ask for updates and you’ll get them. It’s important for you to be satisfied with this work, so you can make comments and suggest changes.
- Finally, the writer will edit the document to perfection and you’ll get it by your deadline.
- “What if I need revisions after you write my dissertation for me?” Don’t worry; you’ll get them! All you need to do is contact us and we’ll revise the content free of charge.
Why Should I Hire You to Help Me with My Dissertation?
There are many reasons why BestDissertation is the ultimate choice for PhD candidates who need assistance with this project:
- This is a service specifically devoted to dissertations. We complete other types of work, too. But dissertations are our main focus. When you deal with a specialized service, you can expect highly relevant work. All our writers hold PhD degrees and they know what standards your university has regarding dissertations. They are capable to meet those standards.
- Believe it or not, we give you better prices! Just check the price chart and our discount offer. You’ll love it!
- Best Dissertation is highly confidential. We have strong security standards and we guarantee not to share any of your information.
- The content we deliver is 100% unique. All references are provided in the chosen format (APA, Chicago, MLA, Harvard, or any other).
- You can contact us 24/7. We’re non-stop available to assist during the order placement and give you answers whenever you have a question for your project.
- “Can you write my dissertation by precise instructions?” Of course! That’s what we do here. We craft custom content while being guided by the details you include in the order form.
How Long Will It Take for You to Do My Dissertation for Me?
You’re the one who sets the deadline here! We let you set a really short deadline if your project is urgent. You’ll get the lowest price for the longest deadline (2 months for dissertations and dissertation chapters). But if you need your content ASAP, you can set a deadline of 48 hours. That deadline is available for dissertation chapters, but we can’t let you set it if you need the entire project. We’re realistic, since we’re completing 100% unique work here.
We guarantee that when we accept an order with a given deadline, we’ll respect it!
How Much Should I Pay Someone to Write My Dissertation?
That’s the most important question that most of our customers have. No matter how much they need assistance, they are not ready to invest a small fortune into the project.
The prices at our website are affordable. You get up to 20% off on your first order and up to 15% off on all future order.
That’s a great offer, don't you think?
How Can I Get Someone to Write My Dissertation Cheap?
This is now easier than ever. If you order in time, you can get the best prices we have to offer. Our rates are most competitive with the longest offered deadline since this gives us enough room to work on your dissertation without rushing. We offer to complete your entire dissertation for a reasonable price. Don’t forget – we offer 20% off to our new customers, which means that you’ll pay even less when you come and say: write my dissertation for me.
Even though we recommend that you order this important academic piece ahead, that doesn’t mean that we don’t offer short deadlines. If you need your paper done in days, not weeks or months, you can come to us and say: write my dissertation online.
BestDissertation.com has hundreds of PhD-degree holding writers who craft dissertations on a daily basis. Since we hand-pick the person to work on every order based on their skill set and experience, we can guarantee amazing quality even within the tightest timeframe.
Compared to the rates you’ll find on this market, we have the most customer-friendly, competitive prices for custom dissertation writing. Our combination of expertise and affordability is hard to miss for most students. It’s how we built our reputation as the top-rated dissertation writing and editing company in the country, and even worldwide.
It takes only a bit of research to realize why we are the most wanted source for dissertations and other papers. While you might submit something rushed or average for your everyday coursework, this isn’t something to take lightly. Your dissertation is highly important – and we offer you the opportunity to get it cheap, fast, and in amazing condition!
Decided to Hire Someone to Write My Dissertation for Me?
Making this decision is hard on most students. However, we can tell you that the majority of requests our company gets is for this particular paper. Students come to us and say: can you please write my dissertation, I cannot do it alone.
This is completely understandable and it happens to the best writers out there. Why?
Dissertations are more complicated than anything else students have written. They are long and require weeks or months of work, not just a couple of hours at the library. They need to be based on checked data and include qualitative or quantitative research – sometimes even both.
To write a dissertation, you need to have brilliant writing skills, great organizational capabilities, and tons of time. You also need to be an excellent researcher since most of it will be based on collecting data. Then, you need to be able to thoroughly analyze the entire thing and even give recommendations for the field of study you’ve selected.
This is as complicated and tiring as it sounds.
Add the pressure of meeting a deadline and impressing a strict board – and you have a very difficult challenge. For most students, it is the pressure that’s enough to make them panic and think: I can’t write my dissertation alone.
Thankfully, you’re not alone. Our company stands right beside you for any academic paper you need written, completed, or edited. We’ll help you with everything from your dissertation proposal to the final paper.
Instead of spending all of your days worrying and researching for this assignment, you can hand it to people who’ve done hundreds of these. Our writers have the experience and skills to write a perfect dissertation, access to many resources, and all the time in the world to dedicate to you and your order.
Get your task completed
Our guarantees.
- In-depth research
- Accurate formatting
- 24/7/365 Live support
- Non stop order tracking facility
- 100% original writing and research
- Ph.D. writer in your area of studies
- Real time direct contact with your writer
- Up-to-date academic and scientific sources
With your order you recive:
- FREE Outline $5
- FREE Amendments $30
- FREE Title Page $5
- FREE Bibliography $15
- FREE Formatting $10
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Write My Dissertation for Me
Do my dissertation for me! You asked, and we answered! Get online dissertation writing help for an affordable price with Pro-Papers! “What if I need someone to write my dissertation ASAP?” No worries! We have a team of hard-working and talented writers who are ready to take up the most challenging tasks.
Try it now!
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Should I Hire Someone to Write My Dissertation?
There are different reasons behind students looking for dissertation writers online. Some of them have their hands full of tasks where studying is combined with hobbies, family obligations, gym training, etc. Others may face difficulties with specific topics or structural elements of a dissertation and need professional assistance. There is nothing bad about hiring professional writers and entrusting them with t task of writing a dissertation.
If you keep repeating, "I need a dissertation writer to write my paper," it's high time to start the search. Where would you begin, and what should you pay attention to?
- Probably, the first place that comes to mind is the Internet. Undoubtedly, you will find lots of agencies providing such services out there if you enter “write my dissertation” in the search box.
- Many companies have special discounts for bulk offers, big papers, and returning clients. Check if there are some available for your task.
- To make an informed choice, learn as much as you can about a company you are considering. In addition to navigating a website, it makes sense to read reviews, study the pricing policy, and review the terms of use.
- See what the support team says. While discussing your dissertation specifics with a support agent, try to cover all the details of your task and provide all instructions you have. You may need to compile a list of points you want to clarify while talking to a company representative. Don't be shy, as the quality of your paper depends on the quality of service you’re working with.
We believe our clients deserve to get top-quality services and do our best to satisfy their needs. Besides, all information on the website is free to access. This approach helps us build trustworthy relationships with our customers.
If you’re not sure we have a person who can help you, place a free inquiry with us, and we will make sure there is an expert who is proficient in your topic. You are also welcome to check the writing skills of our professionals in the Samples section on our website. This way, you will have peace of mind before asking our experts, "write my dissertation, please!”
Here is How We Can Help
Academic paper writing
Dissertation services
Admission essay writing
Presentation services
Multiple-choice questions
Dissertation Writing Features
There are different factors we consider when writing and structuring a dissertation for a client. For instance, when a student contacts us with the “write my dissertation” request, we look at the type of research, the field, and the specifics of the topic to determine how we will approach the writing process. “Can someone write my dissertation abstract?” Yes, as we can work on any part of your paper or edit it – we have quite a range of services to offer.
Writing from scratch
It might be scary to trust someone with one of the most important papers of your life. We understand that. Therefore, we find the best person for the job by reviewing candidates with great experience and knowledge in your sphere of studies. While they work, they send you drafts for review and approval. Although we make sure that the writer follows all of your instructions, the draft feedback greatly helps them meet your personal expectations and ensure they’re moving in the direction that matches your vision.
Editing and Proofreading
Students writing their own dissertations find it hard to notice their mistakes. After all, they went through the text so many times that their eyes just cannot catch any errors anymore. That is when it is best to have a professional editor look over your dissertation. They will not only correct the mistakes they notice but also make improvement suggestions helping you submit a perfect piece of research. Therefore, whenever you’re in doubt or need your results to be stellar, Pro-Papers is at your service to ensure the high quality of your text.
Dissertation section writing
Some dissertation sections are quite bulky or time-consuming. It is easy to get stuck on them and have trouble moving on. You likely have a strict deadline and cannot afford this to stall your work. Our team won't let that happen. We will gladly find a person proficient in your subject to take care of the hardest dissertation parts. Your personal writer will do all the necessary research and consider your writing style to make sure the section they write fits perfectly within your paper.
How It Works?
We have a clear ordering process with 3 simple steps to follow.
1) First, click the “Order Now" button and select all the necessary details:
- subject and type of work
- number of pages and references
- type of writer
You can also attach any additional files you have with samples, instructions, or a rubric. Once you pay for your order, it will be processed in our system.
2) Next, we search for writers who would be a perfect match to complete your order. We have many skilled professionals who work with a huge variety of academic disciplines. Philosophy, Law, Computer Science, Management, English Literature, and Health – this is just a short list of what you can order on our website. We will surely assign your “write my dissertation” inquiry only to the best of them. If a client has any questions, they can get in touch with a writer through the message section. Alternatively, our support agents will pass the info on to the writer.
For large orders, we have a special service called "drafts ." A writer can finish one chapter, present it to a client for revision and approval, or submit several chapters simultaneously. It is up to you to decide.
3) When the order is ready, our editors carefully check it, and then a client can download it from their account or email. If you need any improvements, you can send a thesis for revision (see the Revision policy section).
We also offer a free inquiry option that is perfect for extensive papers. For instance, if a client asks, "Can you write my dissertation within a week?" we first look for a suitable writer who can definitely complete the task and only then ask you to pay.
Why Choose Us?
No matter how severe the competition is, we have never lost our reputation of being the best dissertation writing service with top Ph.D. writers. We constantly hone our writing skills, partake in training, read the latest publications in reputable media, keep up with trends, and monitor innovations.
The reasons to choose our service are:
100% Plagiarism-Free Writing
This is definitely the first criterion of good content. We use different plagiarism checkers to ascertain your thesis is absolutely unique. Besides, our writers know how to use and reference the information properly to prepare unique works.
Any Format & Any Level
Our writers use different referencing styles and formats. Can a writer do my dissertation according to the MLA requirements? Of course! Can they stick to the APA or Harvard formatting? No problem. Do you know the characteristics of the MHRA citing style? Sure – you name it, we know it!
Complete Security and Privacy
Your personal data, our communication, financial processes, and the ordering process are kept private. No one will even know you’ve used our services. We guarantee full anonymity.
Quality Support
No matter what academic papers our team writes, we use different tools to check grammar, stylistics, and other important aspects of every work. We don’t send orders to our clients until we are absolutely sure they comply with all quality standards.
Customized Paper Help
It is a common practice for our team to adapt to clients’ needs while writing dissertations, essays, reports, term papers, etc. If there is anything specific about your order, just let us know. This way, you can rest assured your work will look the way you want.
Meeting Any Deadline
Though there are predefined terms for preparing a thesis, we can take urgent orders if you have an emergency. We always deliver all types of written projects within the set deadline. If you can, you are welcome to allow your writer more time for proper research and a less rushed writing process.
Here’s what our customers are saying about us
Never thought I would pay someone to do my dissertation for me cause I usually do everything on my own, but due to family emergency, I wasn’t able to finish writing on time. I’m very glad I found this service!
Reid Q. USA, Virginia
I was both shocked and relieved that someone could write my dissertation online so fast and efficiently! Amazing service, would recommend.
Charlee U. USA, Idaho
Ordered here so many times, and none of the writers have ever let me down, good job!
Darnell I. USA, Illinois
Dissertation F.A.Q.
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Write My Dissertation For Me Today
Order Today to Get a Human-Written Dissertations Customized for You!
Rated 4.8/5 by 2387 students and counting....
Meet Our Team of Qualified & Experienced Dissertation Writers
If you are at the phase of “I can’t write my dissertation anymore,” then don’t give up just yet. We have compiled a team of expert writers who are Native English speakers and ready to help you out.
Ethan Reynolds
Degree PhD in English Literature
Total orders 486
Degree PhD in Psychology
Total orders 398
Calvin Mercer
Degree PhD in History
Total orders 517
Sierra Ramsey
Degree PhD in Sociology
Total orders 542
Gared Sawyer
Degree PhD in Economics
Total orders 463
Miranda Fletcher
Degree PhD in Environmental Science
Total orders 405
Reasons Students Keep Coming Back
Expert and Qualified Writers
Topic Selection Assistance
Research & Thesis Proposal Writing
Data Collection and Analysis
Formatting and Citation Assistance
Revision and Feedback
This is How Our Pricing Works
We believe in quality and affordability, which is why we always strive for the lowest price for our dissertation writing services online.
Included Services
Writer Selection Option FREE
In-Depth Research FREE
Various Formatting Styles FREE
Zero AI Guarantee FREE
Our Pricing
College $14/page
Masters $17/page
MBA $17/page
PhD. $30/page
Free Services Offered
Proofreading FREE
Unlimited Revisions FREE
Formatting FREE
Title Page FREE
Bibliography FREE
Citations FREE
Plagiarism Report FREE
24/7 Customer Support FREE
Reviews From Our Satisfied Customers
Insightful analysis
Thoroughly satisfied
Top-notch quality
Exceptional writing
Attention to Detail
Well-researched paper
Martinez, G.
Exceptional service
Expert assistance
Order a Dissertation Now
Share Details About Your Topic Fill out the order form with the details you provide for your dissertation will help our writers deliver exactly what you want.
Pick Your Writer Check out the profiles of our skilled dissertation writers and choose the one that matches your requirements.
Pay to Confirm We offer safe payment options. Your payment details and personal information are kept safe and confidential.
Get Your Dissertation Download your completed dissertation and review it. You can ask for revisions if needed.
Can Someone Write My Dissertation for Cheap? The Expert Writers at MyPerfectPaper.net Can!
“It's hard not to take criticism personally, especially when I have put my heart into it. I wish I had paid someone to write my dissertation online.”
This is the unfortunate experience of many students who are in the final year of their course. Most of them dread this task. After all, a good dissertation needs comprehensive research and a lot of time.
If you feel that you might not have what it takes to produce a good enough dissertation, then we have you covered.
At MyPerfectPaper.net, we have professional writers who will provide professional dissertation help for you. No matter what your subject is, they will make sure to deliver top-notch content on time.
So what are you waiting for? Hire us now to get a well-written and well-researched dissertation.
Here is Why Our Writers Are Great At What They Do
Many websites and people online say they can write dissertations for you. But most of them can't be trusted with dissertation assistance. Now you must be wondering: ‘If they can’t be trusted, then why should we trust your writers?’
Good point! We will tell you why our writers are trustworthy and stand out from the rest:
Highly Qualified
Each of our dissertation writers has a Ph.D. in a specific subject. So, whatever your task is about, our experts can handle it well.
Professional Writers
Our writers aren't just writers. They are professionals with years of experience in their respective fields and creating high-quality dissertation papers.
Experienced in Their Fields
Our writers have a lot of experience on their hands when it comes to academic writing. They know what teachers want and write accordingly.
Know Their Way Around Dissertations
Writing for academics is different and harder. But for our writers, it's normal. They can easily use academic styles in their writing.
Here is How Our Writers Create Flawless Dissertations
Writing a dissertation can feel like a big task, but our writers have a simple way to make it smooth. Here's what they do:
Step 1: Understanding Your Topic
First, our writers make sure to understand what you need for your dissertation. They ensure they understand your topic by doing thorough research and confirming your stance.
Step 2: Doing Thorough Research
Next, our writers dive into thorough research on your topic, gathering reliable information and data to support your arguments.
Step 3: Brainstorm and Outline
Once our writers have collected the necessary information, it is time to organize it by creating a clear outline for your dissertation, ensuring that every point is covered logically.
Step 4: Writing in Process
Once there is a clear outline that covers all the necessary topics, our writers will start writing, working through multiple drafts to refine their ideas and ensure clarity.
Step 5: Citations and Referencing
Citations ensure the credibility of the paper. Our writers will reference each citation properly according to the chosen format (APA, MLA, Harvard, etc). This helps show that the information is reliable and gives credit to the original authors.
Step 6: Proofreading and Editing
When your dissertation draft is finalized, our writers check it carefully for any errors. They fix any mistakes and make sure everything sounds good.
Step 7: Plagiarism Check
Before delivering the final document, our writers check your dissertation using Turnitin software to ensure there is no plagiarism, as it can affect academic credibility. Not only that but you will also get a free originality report with your order.
“Write My Dissertation Quickly” - You Got It
MyPerfectPaper.net is the perfect solution for anyone who feels overwhelmed by unnecessary academic standards. Our services for students are accessible and affordable.
We offer quality dissertations at affordable prices, in addition to helping you write your dissertation proposal . We understand that students go through a lot of stress, which is why we strive to make their academic lives easier for them.
So why are you wasting your time thinking? Just say “ write my paper for me ” and we will get it done for you on time!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can i write my dissertation in a week.
No, it is not recommended to write a dissertation in a week. There is a lengthy process of researching and gathering materials before the writing process, which can take months. Writing a good-quality dissertation requires careful research, planning, and writing, which usually takes much longer than a week to do properly.
Is it legal to pay someone to write a dissertation?
Yes, it's legal to pay someone to write a dissertation for you. Using a reputable writing service, such as MyPerfectPaper.net can provide assistance and support when writing a dissertation.
What if I don’t like the final draft? Do I get a refund?
If you're not satisfied with the final draft, you can get unlimited free revisions, until you are satisfied with the result. However, we only offer a refund if we have failed to meet a deadline. You can always contact our support team for more information.
Do you offer a money-back guarantee?
Yes, we offer a money-back guarantee if we fail to deliver your paper on time. You will be eligible for a full refund if we miss the deadline.
Need Your Dissertation Written Professionally?
- Our skilled writers will make your dissertation perfect.
- Our process is easy and saves time
- Services Assignment Writing
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