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A Literature Review and Critique on Customer Satisfaction
Abstract: The concept of customer satisfaction has attracted much attention in recent years. Organizations that try to analyze this concept should begin with an understanding of various customer satisfaction models. In this paper, the emphasis is on reviewing the main concepts and models of customer satisfaction. Keywords: Customer satisfaction, Definition, Macro-models, Micro-models
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The concept of customer satisfaction has attracted much attention in recent years. Organizations that try to analyze this concept should begin with an understanding of various customer satisfaction models. Such models clarify various theories about customer satisfaction, making research and analysis in this topic more focused and less wasteful of research resources.
Customer satisfaction is considered as the "cornerstone" of marketing, which is presented in many works the final aim of marketing function. Although the specialty literature has tried to provide multiple definitions of the concept of consumer satisfaction, has not yet reached a consensus on the elements of a widely accepted definition. The lack of consensus limits the contribution of the consumer satisfaction theory. This paper analyzes the main problems that persist in defining consumer satisfaction and suggest some implications for managers.
"This paper provides a review on consumer satisfaction in four areas: 1) definition and importance of satisfaction, 2) antecedents or determinants, 3) measurement of satisfaction, 4) consequences of consumer satisfaction. An emphasis is placed on providing a conceptual basis for understanding existing literature in definition part."
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Studies of the evolution of theories and schools of management show that the orientation towards the client, the quality increase, variety and speed in service providence has been on the agenda of organizations since the 1990s. Focus on the customer is the concept that has been proposed as a key factor to achieve sustainable competitive advantage in the 1990s. Customer satisfaction survey and the influencing factors have found its importance as nearly a decade. In total, there are four concepts and trends (manufacturing trends, product trends, trends in sales and marketing trends) that the for-profit and non-profit organizations can review them and follow them up on the implementation of their marketing activities.
The purpose of this research is to redefine the construct of customer satisfaction in a marketing perspectives. This research relies on qualitative approach and it is characterized by a comprehensive systematic literature review, and a thorough documentary analysis on the construct of customer satisfaction. The findings imply that there should be a consideration of customer satisfaction by marketers and other industry players. Customer satisfaction should be highly valued in marketing strategic decisions for companies to be competitive and performant. To the best of the author's knowledge, this research reveals how marketers and industry players should understand customer satisfaction and how it is important for companies' success.
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Customer satisfaction is a primary marketing construct in the last three decades. In the past, it was unpopular and unaccepted concept because companies thought it was more important to gain new customers than retain the existing once. However, in this present decade, companies have gained better understanding of the importance of customer satisfaction (especially service producing companies) and adopted it as a high priority operational goal. This review examines with the variety of literature support the relationship of variables with respect to customer satisfaction. To broaden and make possible further studies contextually and empirically, a mind-map is presented to show how these relationship variables relate to customers satisfaction. This would improve the studies related to customer satisfaction in particular.
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The rapid growth in economy and intense competition in retail markets in recent years in major metropolises like Mumbai have motivated retailers to use strategies focused on retaining and attracting the right customers. However, a strategy that is effective in acquiring new customers may not be the most effective in retaining current customers. This paper is an attempt to study the determinants of customer satisfaction in the changing retail scenario in select retail outlets in Mumbai. The critical factors affecting customer satisfaction in the retail industry are presented through a conceptual 4A framework.
The main objective of this work is to develop a practical approach to improve customer satisfaction, which is generally regarded as the pillar of customer loyalty to the company. Today, customer satisfaction is a major challenge. In fact, listening to the customer, anticipating and properly managing his claims are stone keys and fundamental values for the enterprise. From a perspective of the quality of the product, skills, and mostly, the service provided to the customer, it is essential for organizations to differentiate themselves, especially in a more competitive world, in order to ensure a higher level of customer satisfaction. Ignoring or not taking into account customer satisfaction can have harmful consequences on both the economic performances and the organization's image. For that, it is crucial to develop new methods and have new approaches to THE PROBLEMATIC customer dissatisfaction, by improving the services quality provided to the costumer. This work describes a simple and practical approach for modeling customer satisfaction for organizations in order to reduce the level of dissatisfaction; this approach respects the constraints of the organization and eliminates any action that can lead to loss of customers and degradation of the image of the organization. Finally the approach presented in this document is tested and evaluated.
In marketing, customer satisfaction is considered as a key construct in the last few decades. Previously it is a less acceptable construct, since most of the marketing oriented organizations are perceived that attracting new customers better than retaining existing one. However, currently, these organizations are using customer satisfaction as a prime business performance indicator and a weapon in the dynamic environment to get the sustainable competitive advantage. This customer satisfaction is impact by several variables and dimensions. Therefore, this qualitative comprehensive review examines with the variety of literature support the relationship of variables with respect to customer satisfaction. To broaden and make possible further studies contextually and empirically, a mind-map is presented to show how these relationship variables relate to customers satisfaction. This would improve the studies related to customer satisfaction in particular. Abstract-In marketing, customer satisfaction is considered as a key construct in the last few decades. Previously it is a less acceptable construct, since most of the marketing oriented organizations are perceived that attracting new customers better than retaining existing one. However, currently, these organizations are using customer satisfaction as a prime business performance indicator and a weapon in the dynamic environment to get the sustainable competitive advantage. This customer satisfaction is impact by several variables and dimensions. Therefore, this qualitative comprehensive review examines with the variety of literature support the relationship of variables with respect to customer satisfaction. To broaden and make possible further studies contextually and empirically, a mind-map is presented to show how these relationship variables relate to customers satisfaction. This would improve the studies related to customer satisfaction in particular.
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The objective of the study is to review and understand the conceptual framework of customer satisfaction and its relationship with service quality in banking industry. 3. METHODOLOGY The research on customer satisfaction management in banking industry requires multiple methods of data sourcing.
This review examines with the variety of literature support the relationship of variables with respect to customer satisfaction. To broaden and make possible further studies contextually and empirically, a mind-map is presented to show how these relationship variables relate to customers satisfaction.
Like Sánchez-Rebull, (2018) conducted a systematic literature review on customer satisfaction. A literature review was conducted on 495 articles published in 41 journals from 1988 to 2016 (29 years).