May 29, 2020 · In research that investigates a potential cause-and-effect relationship, a confounding variable is an unmeasured third variable that influences both the supposed cause and the supposed effect. It’s important to consider potential confounding variables and account for them in your research design to ensure your results are valid . ... Feb 19, 2021 · The confounding variable of temperature just made it seem this way. 2. Confounding variables can mask the true cause-and-effect relationship between variables. Suppose we’re studying the ability of exercise to reduce blood pressure. One potential confounding variable is starting weight, which is correlated with exercise and has a direct ... ... Jul 31, 2023 · Confounding Variables in Research. Due to the presence of confounding variables in research, we should never assume that a correlation between two variables implies causation. When an extraneous variable has not been properly controlled and interferes with the dependent variable (i.e., results), it is called a confounding variable. ... Mar 26, 2024 · Confounding variables are a common challenge in research, potentially distorting the relationship between variables and leading to biased results. By employing methods such as randomization, statistical control, and stratification, researchers can minimize their impact and improve the validity of their studies. ... Oct 22, 2023 · Confounding Variables Examples. 1. IQ and Reading Ability A study could find a positive correlation between children’s IQ and reading ability. However, the socioeconomic status of the families could be a confounding variable, as children from wealthier families could have more access to books and educational resources. 2. Coffee Intake and ... ... Sep 15, 2020 · A confounding variable leads to a false association between the independent and dependent variable. A confounding variable is a variable that influences both the independent variable and dependent variable and leads to a false correlation between them. A confounding variable is also called a confounder, confounding factor, or lurking variable. ... Mar 22, 2024 · Identifying Confounding Variables in Statistics. Identifying confounding variables is a critical step in ensuring the validity of research findings.This section outlines strategies and techniques for effectively identifying these variables, supported by illustrative case studies. ... Jan 17, 2024 · Confounding bias is a type of bias that occurs when a third variable influences both the independent and dependent variables, leading to erroneous conclusions in research and statistical analysis. ... Feb 1, 2008 · Confounding, sometimes referred to as confounding bias, is mostly described as a ‘mixing’ or ‘blurring’ of effects. 1 It occurs when an investigator tries to determine the effect of an exposure on the occurrence of a disease (or other outcome), but then actually measures the effect of another factor, a confounding variable. As most ... ... The importance of confounding is that it suggests an association where none exists or masks a true association (Figure 1). Figure 1. The principle of confounding; the confounder makes the exposure more likely and in some way independently modifies the outcome, making it appear that there is an association between the exposure and the outcome ... ... ">

Confounding Variables in Psychology: Definition & Examples

Julia Simkus

Editor at Simply Psychology

BA (Hons) Psychology, Princeton University

Julia Simkus is a graduate of Princeton University with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. She is currently studying for a Master's Degree in Counseling for Mental Health and Wellness in September 2023. Julia's research has been published in peer reviewed journals.

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Saul McLeod, PhD

Editor-in-Chief for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MRes, PhD, University of Manchester

Saul McLeod, PhD., is a qualified psychology teacher with over 18 years of experience in further and higher education. He has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

Olivia Guy-Evans, MSc

Associate Editor for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MSc Psychology of Education

Olivia Guy-Evans is a writer and associate editor for Simply Psychology. She has previously worked in healthcare and educational sectors.

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A confounding variable is an unmeasured third variable that influences, or “confounds,” the relationship between an independent and a dependent variable by suggesting the presence of a spurious correlation.

Confounding Variables in Research

Due to the presence of confounding variables in research, we should never assume that a correlation between two variables implies causation.

When an extraneous variable has not been properly controlled and interferes with the dependent variable (i.e., results), it is called a confounding variable.

Confounding Variable

For example, if there is an association between an independent variable (IV) and a dependent variable (DV), but that association is due to the fact that the two variables are both affected by a third variable (C). The association between IV and DV is extraneous.

Variable C would be considered the confounding variable in this example. We would say that the IV and DV are confounded by C whenever C causally influences both the IV and the DV.

In order to accurately estimate the effect of the IV on the DV, the researcher must reduce the effects of C.

If you identify a causal relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable, that relationship might not actually exist because it could be affected by the presence of a confounding variable.

Even if the cause-and-effect relationship does exist, the confounding variable still might overestimate or underestimate the impact of the independent variable on the dependent variable.

Reducing Confounding Variables

It is important to identify all possible confounding variables and consider their impact of them on your research design in order to ensure the internal validity of your results.

Here are some techniques to reduce the effects of these confounding variables:
  • Random allocation : randomization will help eliminate the impact of confounding variables. You can randomly assign half of your subjects to a treatment group and the other half to a control group. This will ensure that confounders have the same effect on both groups, so they cannot correlate with your independent variable.
  • Control variables : This involves restricting the treatment group only to include subjects with the same potential for confounding factors. For example, you can restrict your subject pool by age, sex, demographic, level of education, or weight (etc.) to ensure that these variables are the same among all subjects and thus cannot confound the cause-and-effect relationship at hand.
  • Within-subjects design : In a within-subjects design, all participants participate in every condition.
  • Case-control studies : Case-control studies assign confounders to both groups (the experimental group and the control group) equally.

Suppose we wanted to measure the effects of caloric intake (IV) on weight (DV). We would have to try to ensure that confounding variables did not affect the results. These variables could include the following:

  • Metabolic rate : If you have a faster metabolism, you tend to burn calories more quickly.
  • Age : Age can affect weight gain differently, as younger individuals tend to burn calories quicker than older individuals.
  • Physical Activity : Those who exercise or are more active will burn more calories and could weigh less, even if they consume more.
  • Height : Taller individuals tend to need to consume more calories in order to gain weight.
  • Sex : Men and women have different caloric needs to maintain a certain weight.

Frequently asked questions

1. what is a confounding variable in psychology.

A confounding variable in psychology is an extraneous factor that interferes with the relationship between an experiment’s independent and dependent variables . It’s not the variable of interest but can influence the outcome, leading to inaccurate conclusions about the relationship being studied.

For instance, if studying the impact of studying time on test scores, a confounding variable might be a student’s inherent aptitude or previous knowledge.

2. What is the difference between an extraneous variable and a confounding variable?

A confounding variable is a type of extraneous variable . Confounding variables affect both the independent and dependent variables. They influence the dependent variable directly and either correlate with or causally affect the independent variable.

An extraneous variable is any variable that you are not investigating that can influence the dependent variable.

3. What is Confounding Bias?

Confounding bias is a bias that is the result of having confounding variables in your study design. If the observed association overestimates the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable, this is known as a positive confounding bias.

If the observed association underestimates the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable, this is known as a negative confounding bias.

Glen, Stephanie. Confounding Variable: Simple Definition and Example. Retrieved from Elementary Statistics for the rest of us!

Thomas, L. (2021). Understanding confounding variables. Scribbr. Retrieved from

University of Michigan. (n.d.). Confounding Variables. ICPSR. Retrieved from

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25 Confounding Variable Examples

25 Confounding Variable Examples

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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confounding variable example and definition, explained below

Confounding variables are variables that ‘confound’ (meaning to confuse) the data in a study. In scholarly terms, we say that they are extraneous variables that correlate (positively or negatively) with both the dependent variable and the independent variable (Scharrer & Ramasubramanian, 2021).

These variables present a challenge in research as they can obscure the potential relationships between the variables under examination, leading to spurious correlations and the famous third variable problem .

Accurately isolating and controlling confounding variables is thus crucial in maximizing the validity of an experiment or study, primarily when trying to determine cause-effect relationships between variables (Knapp, 2017; Nestor & Schutt, 2018).


Confounding Variables Examples

1. IQ and Reading Ability A study could find a positive correlation between children’s IQ and reading ability. However, the socioeconomic status of the families could be a confounding variable, as children from wealthier families could have more access to books and educational resources.

2. Coffee Intake and Heart Disease A research finding suggests a positive correlation between coffee intake and heart disease. But the variable ‘exercise’ could confound the situation, as those who drink a lot of coffee might also do less exercise.

3. Medication and Recovery Time A study posits a link between a specific medication and faster recovery time from a disease. However, the overall health of the patient, which can significantly affect recovery, serves as a confounding variable.

4. Unemployment and Mental Health There seems to be a relationship between unemployment and poor mental health. However, the confounding variable can be the quality of the support network, as unemployed individuals with robust emotional support might have better mental health.

5. Exercise and Stress Levels A study might show a negative correlation between exercise levels and stress. But, sleep patterns could act as a confounder, as individuals who exercise more might also have better sleep, which in turn could lower stress levels.

6. Height and Self-esteem A study claims a positive correlation between height and self-esteem. In this case, attractiveness can confound the result, as sometimes taller people might be judged by society as more attractive, leading to higher self-esteem.

7. Class Attendance and Grades Research indicates that students who attend classes regularly have better grades. However, a student’s intrinsic motivation to learn could be a confounding variable, as these students might not only attend class but also study more outside of class.

8. Age and Job Satisfaction A study might suggest that older employees are more satisfied with their jobs. In this scenario, job position could be a confounder, as older employees might occupy higher, more gratifying positions in the company.

9. Light Exposure and Depression Researching seasonal depression might show a connection between reduced light exposure in winter and increased depression rates. However, physical activity (which tends to decrease in winter) could confound these results.

10. Parent’s Education and Children’s Success at School A study states that children of highly educated parents perform better at school. However, a confounding variable might be the parents’ income, which could allow for a range of educational resources.

11. Physical Exercise and Academic Performance A positive correlation may be found between daily physical exercise and academic performance. However, time management skills can be a potential confounder as students with good time management skills might be more likely to fit regular exercise into their schedule and also keep up with their academic work efficiently.

12. Daily Screen Time and Obesity Research suggests a link between extensive daily screen time and obesity. But the confounding variable could be the lack of physical activity, which is often associated with both increased screen time and obesity.

13. Breakfast Consumption and Academic Performance It might be suggested that students who eat breakfast regularly perform better academically. However, the confounding factor could be the overall nutritional status of the students, as those who eat breakfast regularly may also follow healthier eating habits that boost their academic performance.

14. Population Density and Disease Transmission A study may show higher disease transmission rates in densely populated areas. Still, public health infrastructure could be a confounding variable, as densely populated areas with poor health facilities might witness even higher transmission rates.

15. Age and Skin Cancer A study might suggest that older individuals are at a higher risk of skin cancer. However, exposure to sunlight, a major factor contributing to skin cancer, may confound the relationship, with individuals exposed to more sunlight over time having a greater risk.

16. Working Hours and Job Satisfaction A hypothetical study indicates that employees working longer hours report lower job satisfaction levels. However, the job’s intrinsic interest could be a confounder, as someone who finds their job genuinely interesting might report higher satisfaction levels despite working long hours.

17. Sugar Consumption and Tooth Decay Sugar intake is linked to tooth decay rates. However, dental hygiene practice is a typical confounding variable: individuals who consume a lot of sugar but maintain good oral hygiene might show lower tooth decay rates.

18. Farm Exposure and Respiratory Illness A study observes a relationship between farm exposure and reduced respiratory illnesses. Yet, a healthier overall lifestyle associated with living in rural areas might confound these results.

19. Outdoor Activities and Mental Health Research might suggest a link between participating in outdoor activities and improved mental health. However, pre-existing physical health could be a confounding variable, as those enjoying good physical health could be more likely to participate in frequent outdoor activities, thereby resulting in improved mental health.

20. Pet Ownership and Happiness A study shows that pet owners report higher levels of happiness. However, family dynamics can serve as a confounding variable, as the presence of pets might be linked to a more active and happier family life.

21. Vitamin D Levels and Depression Research indicates a correlation between low vitamin D levels and depression. However, sunlight exposure might act as a confounding variable, as it affects both vitamin D levels and mood.

22. Employee Training and Organizational Performance A positive relationship might be found between the level of employee training and organizational performance. Still, the organization’s leadership quality could confound these results, being significant in both successful employee training implementation and high organizational performance.

23. Social Media Use and Loneliness There appears to be a positive correlation between high social media use and feelings of loneliness. However, personal temperament can be a confounding variable, as individuals with certain temperaments may spend more time on social media and feel more isolated.

24. Respiratory Illnesses and Air Pollution Studies indicate that areas with higher air pollution have more respiratory illnesses. However, the time spent outdoors could be a confounding variable, as those spending more time outside in polluted areas have a higher exposure to pollutants.

25. Maternal Age and Birth Complications Advanced maternal age is linked to increased risk of birth complications. Yet, health conditions such as hypertension, more common in older women, could confound these results.

Types of Confounding Variables

The scope of confounding variables spans across order effects, participant variability, social desirability effect, Hawthorne effect, demand characteristics, and evaluation apprehension , among other types (Parker & Berman, 2016).

  • Order Effects refer to the impact on a participant’s performance or behavior brought on by the order in which the experimental tasks are presented (Riegelman, 2020). The learning or performance of a task could influence the performance or understanding of subsequent tasks (experiment with multiple language assessments: German followed by French, could have different results if tested in the reverse order).
  • Participant Variability tackles the inconsistencies stemming from unique characteristics or behaviors of individual participants, which could inadvertently impact the results. Physical fitness levels among participants in an exercise study could greatly influence the results.
  • Social Desirability Effect comes into play when participants modify their responses to be more socially acceptable, often leading to bias in self-reporting studies. For instance, in a study measuring dietary habits, participants might overreport healthy food consumption and underreport unhealthy food choices to align with what they perceive as socially desirable.
  • Hawthorne Effect constitutes a type of observer effect where individuals modify their behavior in response to being observed during a study (Nestor & Schutt, 2018; Riegelman, 2020). In a job efficiency study, employees may work harder just because they know they’re being observed.
  • Demand Characteristics include cues that might inadvertently inform participants of the experiment’s purpose or anticipated results, resulting in biased outcomes (Lock et al., 2020). If participants in a product testing study deduce the product being promoted, it might alter their responses.
  • Evaluation Apprehension could affect the findings of a study when participants’ anxiety about being evaluated leads them to alter their behavior (Boniface, 2019; Knapp, 2017). This is common in performance studies where participants know their results will be judged or compared.

Confounding variables can complicate and potentially distort the results of experiments and studies. Yet, by accurately recognizing and controlling for these confounding variables, researchers can ensure more valid findings and more precise observations about the relationships between variables. Understanding the nature and impact of confounding variables and the inherent challenges in isolating them is crucial for anyone engaged in rigorous research.

Boniface, D. R. (2019). Experiment Design and Statistical Methods For Behavioural and Social Research . CRC Press. ISBN: 9781351449298.

Knapp, H. (2017). Intermediate Statistics Using SPSS. SAGE Publications.

Lock, R. H., Lock, P. F., Morgan, K. L., Lock, E. F., & Lock, D. F. (2020). Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data (3rd ed.). Wiley.

Nestor, P. G., & Schutt, R. K. (2018). Research Methods in Psychology: Investigating Human Behavior . SAGE Publications.

Parker, R. A., & Berman, N. G. (2016). Planning Clinical Research . Cambridge University Press.

Riegelman, R. K. (2020). Studying a Study and Testing a Test (7th ed.). Wolters Kluwer Health.

Scharrer, E., & Ramasubramanian, S. (2021). Quantitative Research Methods in Communication: The Power of Numbers for Social Justice . Taylor & Francis.


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Confounding Variables in Statistics: Strategies for Identifying and Adjusting

You will learn to master confounding variables in statistics for accurate research outcomes.


In scientific research, statistics stand as the backbone, providing the framework for gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data in a structured and meaningful method. Within this scientific discipline, the concept of  confounding variables  emerges as a critical element that researchers must adeptly manage to ensure the integrity of their analyses.  Confounding variables in statistics  represent external influences that can distort the relationship between the independent and dependent variables under study, potentially leading to erroneous conclusions if not correctly identified and adjusted for. This introduction underscores the importance of statistical methods not just as a tool for data analysis but as a fundamental approach to preserving the accuracy and reliability of research findings. Through a focused discussion on  confounding variables , this article aims to equip researchers with the strategies necessary to navigate these challenges, thereby enhancing the quality and validity of their scientific endeavors.

  • Identifying confounding variables improves research accuracy.
  • Adjusting methods like stratification clarify data analysis.
  • Correctly identified confounding variables reveal actual effects.
  • Multivariate analysis helps handle multiple confounders.
  • Avoid common pitfalls in confounding variable adjustment.


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Understanding Confounding Variables in Statistics

At the core of statistical analysis lie the  confounding variables , which signify elements outside the experimental design that can alter the perceived relationship between studied variables. A  confounding variable  is a third variable that influences the dependent and independent variables, leading to a potential misinterpretation of the cause-and-effect relationship.

Definition and Examples

A confounding variable, often hidden within the context of a study, can significantly impact the research outcome if not correctly identified and accounted for. For instance, age can act as a confounding variable in a study examining the relationship between exercise and heart health. Older individuals might exercise less and have poorer heart health, not directly because of the lack of exercise but because of their age. Without adjusting for age, the study might incorrectly attribute heart health status directly to exercise frequency, overlooking the age factor.

The Distinction Between Confounding Variables, Independent Variables, and Dependent Variables

  • Independent Variables : Researchers manipulate these variables to observe their effect on the dependent variables. In the study above, the independent variable would be exercise frequency.
  • Dependent Variables : These variables are the outcomes that researchers measure to see if the independent variables have had an effect. In the study example, heart health status serves as the dependent variable.
  • Confounding Variables : Unlike independent or dependent variables, confounding variables are not directly part of the study’s focus but still influence the outcome. The key distinction lies in their ability to affect independent and dependent variables, potentially skewing the results. Their identification and adjustment are crucial for the accuracy of the study’s conclusions.

Understanding and adequately addressing  confounding variables  are paramount in ensuring the validity of research findings. Researchers must meticulously design their studies to identify potential confounders beforehand or use statistical methods to adjust for their impact. This careful consideration underscores the intricate nature of statistical analysis and the diligence required to uncover genuine relationships between variables, reinforcing the pursuit of truth and clarity in scientific research.

The Impact of Confounding Variables in Statistics

The influence of  confounding variables  on research findings cannot be overstated. If not identified and controlled early in the research process, these variables can significantly skew results, leading to incorrect conclusions.

Detailed Examples of Skewed Research Findings

Consider a study aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of a new educational strategy on student performance. If researchers fail to account for students’ prior knowledge level, this unmeasured variable could act as a confounder. Students with higher prior knowledge might perform better not solely because of the new educational strategy but due to their pre-existing knowledge level. Without adjusting for this, the study could falsely attribute the improved performance to the educational strategy alone.

In another scenario, research on the health benefits of a particular diet might neglect the confounding effects of exercise habits. Suppose individuals on the diet are more likely to engage in regular physical activity. In that case, it’s challenging to disentangle the diet’s benefits from those of exercise. This oversight can lead to the erroneous belief that the diet alone improves health.

The Importance of Identifying Confounding Variables Early

Early identification of  confounding variables  is crucial for several reasons:

  • Study Design : Knowing potential confounders helps design the study to eliminate their effect or plan for statistical adjustments.
  • Data Collection : With an understanding of confounders, researchers can collect data on these variables, ensuring adjustments can be made during the analysis phase.
  • Statistical Analysis : Identification allows for applying techniques such as stratification, matching, or regression to control for the confounding effect, leading to more valid conclusions.

Failing to identify and adjust for confounding variables can lead to false positives (type I errors) and missed genuine associations (type II errors). This oversight undermines the study’s validity and can misguide subsequent research, policy, and practice.

The early stages of research planning are therefore critical. They set the groundwork for recognizing and addressing  confounding variables , ensuring reliable and actionable conclusions. This vigilant approach to research design and analysis is fundamental in pursuing empirical truths, reinforcing the integrity of scientific inquiry.

Identifying Confounding Variables in Statistics

Identifying  confounding variables  is a critical step in ensuring the validity of research findings. This section outlines strategies and techniques for effectively identifying these variables, supported by illustrative case studies.

Strategies and Techniques

1. Literature Review : A thorough examination of existing research can reveal potential confounders impacting similar studies. This foundational step helps anticipate issues before data collection begins.

2. Expert Consultation : Engaging with subject matter experts can uncover less obvious confounding variables that might not be immediately apparent to those less familiar with the specific research area.

3. Pilot Studies : Conducting preliminary research can help identify unexpected confounders, allowing researchers to adjust their study design or data collection methods accordingly.

4. Statistical Analysis : Techniques such as correlation matrices or factor analysis can help identify variables related to both the independent and dependent variables, suggesting potential confounding.

5. Graphical Causal Models : Drawing diagrams that map out the expected relationships between variables can help researchers visually identify potential confounders.

Case Studies

Identifying  confounding variables in statistics requires a multifaceted approach that combines rigorous preparatory research, consultation with experts, and flexible study design.

Public Health: The Relationship Between Smoking and Lung Cancer Early research on the relationship between smoking and lung cancer had to meticulously account for a range of confounding factors, including age, occupational hazards, and air pollution, to isolate the actual effect of smoking on lung cancer risk. A landmark in this field was the British Doctors Study, initiated by Sir Richard Doll and Sir Austin Bradford Hill in the 1950s, which provided convincing evidence of the link between cigarette smoking and lung cancer. Reference: Doll, R., & Hill, A.B. (1950). Smoking and carcinoma of the lung. Preliminary report. British Medical Journal, 2(4682), 739-748.

Environmental Science: The Harvard Six Cities Study on Air Pollution The Harvard Six Cities Study is a pivotal piece of research investigating air pollution’s health effects across six U.S. cities. This study stood out for its rigorous approach to controlling for confounding variables, including socioeconomic status, access to healthcare, and lifestyle factors, to assess the impact of air pollution on health outcomes accurately. Reference: Dockery, D.W., Pope, C.A., Xu, X., Spengler, J.D., Ware, J.H., Fay, M.E., Ferris, B.G., & Speizer, F.E. (1993). An association between air pollution and mortality in six U.S. cities. New England Journal of Medicine, 329(24), 1753-1759.

Educational Psychology: Evaluation of the One Laptop per Child Program In educational psychology, the evaluation of the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) program serves as a notable example of research that had to navigate the complexities of confounding variables. Researchers had to consider factors such as students’ prior academic performance, socioeconomic background, and teachers’ technological proficiency to accurately determine the program’s effectiveness in enhancing learning outcomes. Reference: Cristia, J., Ibarrarán, P., Cueto, S., Santiago, A., & Severín, E. (2017). Technology and Child Development: Evidence from the One Laptop per Child Program. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 9(3), 295-320.

The above case studies demonstrate the importance of this process in different research contexts, underscoring the need for vigilance and thoroughness to uncover and adjust for these pivotal variables. This careful consideration and adjustment for confounders not only enriches the integrity of the research but also contributes to the broader pursuit of truth, enhancing the scientific endeavor’s contribution to society.

Adjusting for Confounding Variables

Adjusting for confounding variables is a critical step in ensuring the integrity of research findings. This section explores various methods used for this purpose and their advantages and disadvantages, supported by practical examples.

Adjusting Methods for Confounding Variables

1. Stratification : This method divides the study population into strata, or subsets, based on the confounding variable(s). Analysis is then performed within each stratum to assess the relationship between the independent and dependent variables.

  • Pros : Allows for direct comparison within homogeneous groups.
  • Cons : It may not be practical with multiple confounding variables due to the large number of strata needed.

Example : In a study on the effects of diet on heart disease, researchers could stratify participants by age groups to control for the confounding effect of age.

2. Matching : This technique involves pairing each participant in the treatment group with a participant in the control group with a similar value for the confounding variable(s).

  • Pros : Reduces the confounding variable’s effect, making the groups more comparable.
  • Cons : Finding a perfect match for each participant can be challenging and may lead to the exclusion of unmatched participants.

Example : In clinical trials comparing two medications, researchers might match patients based on their baseline health conditions.

3. Regression Analysis : A statistical method that estimates the relationship between variables while controlling for confounding variables.

  • Pros : Can handle multiple confounders simultaneously and provides quantitative estimates of the relationship between variables.
  • Cons : Assumes a specific form of the relationship and requires appropriate model selection.

Example : In educational research examining the impact of a new teaching method, regression analysis could be used to control for students’ prior academic performance and socioeconomic status.

Practical Considerations

  • Stratification  is most effective when the number of confounders is small and their impact is significant. It’s instrumental in observational studies where randomization is not possible.
  • Matching  is ideal for case-control studies or when a clear comparison group is needed. It ensures that a comparison between similar groups regarding the confounder(s) is made.
  • Regression Analysis  is versatile and widely applicable, making it a popular choice for researchers with complex data sets. However, it requires a careful selection of variables and an understanding of the underlying statistical assumptions.

Advanced Topics

Two critical areas demand attention in advancing the study of confounding variables in statistics: understanding interaction effects and the application of multivariate analysis. These topics delve into the complexities of confounding variables, offering sophisticated strategies for disentangling their effects from those of primary interest.

Interaction Effects in the Context of Confounding Variables

Interaction effects occur when the effect of one variable on the outcome depends on the level of another variable. Recognizing and analyzing interaction effects in the context of confounding variables is crucial, as they can reveal nuanced relationships that simple adjustments might miss.

  • Example : Consider a study on the effectiveness of a new teaching method on student learning outcomes, where socioeconomic status (SES) is a confounding variable. If the teaching method’s effectiveness varies by SES, an interaction effect might be present, suggesting that the method benefits students differently based on their SES.
  • Stratified analysis to compare the effects across different levels of a confounding variable.
  • Multivariate regression models that include interaction terms between the treatment and confounding variables.
  • Pros and Cons : While identifying interaction effects can provide deeper insights into the data, it also requires larger sample sizes and more complex analyses. The interpretation of these effects demands careful consideration, as they can complicate understanding the primary relationships under study.

Introduction to Multivariate Analysis in Dealing with Multiple Confounding Variables

Multivariate analysis encompasses a range of statistical techniques designed to handle multiple variables simultaneously. Multivariate analysis becomes invaluable when dealing with multiple confounding variables, allowing researchers to adjust for several confounders in a single model.

  • Multiple regression analysis for continuous outcomes.
  • Logistic regression for binary outcomes.
  • Cox proportional hazards models for time-to-event data.
  • Example : In public health research studying the impact of an intervention on disease prevention, multiple confounders such as age, lifestyle factors, and genetic predispositions can influence the outcome. Multivariate regression allows researchers to estimate the intervention’s effect while controlling for these confounders.
  • Pros and Cons : Multivariate analysis can adjust for multiple confounders simultaneously, providing a more accurate estimate of the primary relationship. However, it requires assumptions about the form of relationships between variables and careful selection of the model. Misapplication can lead to incorrect conclusions.

Practical Implications

Understanding and adjusting confounding variables through interaction effects and multivariate analysis represent advanced strategies requiring meticulous planning, data collection, and analysis. These methods empower researchers to unveil more accurate and nuanced insights into their data, fostering a deeper understanding of the underlying phenomena. However, the sophistication of these techniques necessitates a high level of statistical expertise and a careful consideration of their assumptions and limitations.

By embracing these advanced topics, researchers commit to a rigorous exploration of truth, navigating the complexities of confounding variables with precision and clarity. This pursuit not only enhances the validity of scientific findings but also contributes to the broader objectives of disseminating accurate and meaningful knowledge.

Best Practices and Common Pitfalls

Navigating the complex landscape of confounding variables in statistics requires a meticulous approach to research design and analysis. This section outlines the best practices to minimize the effects of confounding variables and the common pitfalls to avoid.

Best Practices in Research Design

Thorough Literature Review : Before embarking on your study, extensively review existing literature to identify potential confounding variables previously encountered in similar research. This step can inform your study design and data collection strategy.

Pre-Study Consultation : Engage with subject matter experts and statisticians during the planning phase. Their insights can help identify potential confounders and suggest appropriate adjustment methods.

Design for Adjustment : Whenever possible, design your study to allow for the control of confounding variables. This might include stratification in the design phase or ensuring that data on potential confounders is collected.

Use of Randomization : In experimental studies, randomization can help distribute confounding variables evenly across study groups, reducing their potential impact.

Statistical Controls : When confounding variables are identified, statistical methods such as regression analysis control their effects on the outcome measures.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Ignoring Confounders in the Design Phase : Failure to consider confounding variables at the outset can lead to flawed conclusions. Avoid this by incorporating confounder identification into the initial planning stages of your research.

Overlooking Interaction Effects : Not accounting for how confounding variables might interact with primary variables can obscure true relationships. Address this by testing for interaction effects in your statistical analysis.

Reliance on Observational Data Without Adjustment : Observational studies are prone to confounding. Mitigate this risk by using statistical techniques to adjust for known confounders.

Misinterpreting Correlation as Causation : A standard error is to assume a direct cause-and-effect relationship without considering potential confounding variables. Avoid this by conducting a thorough analysis that includes tests for confounding influences.

Inadequate Sample Size : A sample size that is too small may not allow for effective control of confounding variables, particularly in stratified analyses. Ensure your study is adequately powered to account for these adjustments.

Implementing the Practices

By adhering to these best practices and being mindful of common pitfalls, researchers can significantly enhance the validity of their findings. It begins with recognizing the omnipresence of confounding variables in research and committing to a rigorous, methodical approach to their identification and control. This commitment elevates the quality of individual studies. It contributes to the reliability and integrity of scientific knowledge as a whole.

Understanding and adjusting for confounding variables in statistics is not just a methodological necessity; it’s a cornerstone of ethical and reliable research. The journey through statistical analysis is fraught with potential missteps, where confounding variables lurk as hidden influencers of outcomes and interpretations. This article has navigated the essentials of identifying, understanding, and adjusting for these variables, highlighting their critical role in preserving the integrity and accuracy of research findings. As the landscape of data and its analysis continues to evolve, so must our vigilance and commitment to learning. Researchers are encouraged to remain curious, always seeking to deepen their understanding of statistical methods and to be vigilant in their application. By embracing a mindset of ongoing learning and meticulous attention to the nuances of data analysis, we can ensure that our research reaches and maintains the highest standards of scientific integrity.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What are confounding variables in statistics?  They are variables that influence both the independent and dependent variables, causing a spurious association.

Q2: Why is identifying confounding variables crucial in research?  Identifying them is critical to eliminating false correlations and ensuring the validity and reliability of research findings.

Q3: How can confounding variables be identified?  Through careful study design, statistical analysis, and reviewing existing literature on the research topic.

Q4: What are standard methods to adjust for confounding variables?  Strategies include stratification, matching, and regression analysis to control for the effects of confounders.

Q5: Can confounding variables be eliminated?  While they can’t always be eliminated, careful methodological design can significantly reduce their impact.

Q6: How does multivariate analysis help in dealing with confounding variables?  It allows for the analysis of multiple variables simultaneously, helping to isolate the effect of the variable of interest.

Q7: What are the risks of not adjusting for confounding variables?  Failing to adjust can lead to misleading conclusions, impacting the credibility and applicability of research findings.

Q8: Are there any specific fields where confounding variables are more prevalent?  They are common in observational studies across various fields, including medicine, epidemiology, and social sciences.

Q9: How can one ensure their research design minimizes the effect of confounding variables?  By planning for potential confounders from the outset and choosing appropriate statistical methods for adjustment.

Q10: Can confounding variables affect experimental studies?  Even in controlled experiments, unrecognized confounders can influence outcomes, underscoring the need for vigilant research design.

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Demystifying the Role of Confounding Variables in Research

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In the realm of scientific research, the pursuit of knowledge often involves complex investigations, meticulous data collection , and rigorous statistical analysis . Achieving accurate and reliable results is paramount in research. Therefore researchers strive to design experiments and studies that can isolate and scrutinize the specific variables which they aim to investigate. However, some hidden factors can obscure the true relationships between variables and lead to erroneous conclusions. These covert culprits are known as confounding variables, which in their elusive nature, has the potential to skew results and hinder the quest for truth.

Table of Contents

What Are Confounding Variables

Confounding variables, also referred to as confounders or lurking variables, are the variables that affect the cause and outcome of a study. However, they are not the variables of primary interest. They serve as an unmeasured third variable that acts as an extraneous factor. Furthermore, it interferes with the interpretation of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables within a study. Confounding variables in statistics can be categorical, ordinal, or continuous. Some common types of confounding include Selection bias, Information bias, Time-related confounding, Age-related confounding etc.

Additionally, in the world of scientific inquiry, the term “confounding bias”, is used to describe a systematic error or distortion in research findings that occurs when a confounder is not properly accounted for in a study. This can lead to misleading conclusions about the relationship between the independent variable(s) and the dependent variable, potentially introducing bias into the study’s results.

Key Characteristics of Confounding Variables

Key characteristics of confounding variables or confounding factors include:

Characteristics of confounding variables

Confounding factors can distort the relationship between independent and dependent variables in research. Thus, recognizing, controlling, and addressing them is essential to ensure the accuracy and validity of study findings.

Effects of Confounding Variables

Confounding variables play a crucial role in the internal validity of a research. Understanding its effects is necessary for producing credible, applicable, and ethically sound research.

Here are some impacts of confounding variables in research.

1. Lack of Attribution of Cause and Effect

  • Confounding variables can lead researchers to erroneously attribute causation where there is none.
  • This happens when a confounder is mistaken for the independent variable, causing researchers to believe that a relationship exists between variables even when it does not.

2. Overestimate or Underestimate Effects

  • Confounding variables can distort the magnitude and direction of relationships between variables.
  • Additionally, they can either inflate or diminish it, leading to inaccurate assessments of the true impact.
  • Furthermore, they can also hide genuine associations between variables.

3. Distort Results

  • Confounding variables can create false associations between variables.
  • In these cases, the observed relationship is driven by the confounder rather than any meaningful connection between the independent and dependent variables.
  • This distorts the relationship between the variables of interest, leading to incorrect conclusions.

4. Reduce Precision and Reliability

  • Confounding variables can introduce noise and variability in the data.
  • This can make it challenging to detect genuine effects or differences.
  • Furthermore, the results of a study may not generalize well to other populations or contexts as the impact of the confounders might be specific to the study sample or conditions.

5. Introduce Bias

  • If confounding variables are not properly addressed, the conclusions drawn from a study can be biased.
  • These biased conclusions can have real-world implications, especially in fields like medicine, public policy, and social sciences.
  • Studies plagued by confounding variables have reduced internal validity, which can hinder scientific progress and the development of effective interventions

6. Introduce Ethical Implications

  • In certain cases, failing to control for confounding variables can have ethical implications.
  • For instance, if a study erroneously concludes that a particular group is more prone to a disease due to a confounder, it may lead to stigmatization or discrimination.

Researchers must identify these variables and employ rigorous methods to account them for ensuring that their findings accurately reflect the relationships they intend to study.

Why to Account Confounding Variables

Accounting confounding variables is crucial in research as it helps the researchers to obtain more accurate results with a broader application. Furthermore, controlling confounders helps maintain internal validity and establishes causal relationships between variables.

Accounting confounding variables also provide a proper guidance to health interventions or policies and demonstrates scientific rigor and a commitment to producing high-quality, unbiased research . Also, researchers have an ethical responsibility to accurately report and interpret their findings.

Researchers must recognize the potential impact of confounders and take adequate steps to identify and measure them to control for their effects to ensure the integrity and reliability of their research findings.

How to Identify Confounding Variables

Recognizing confounding variables is a crucial step in research. Researchers can employ various strategies to identify potential confounders.

How to Identify Confounding Variables

Strategies to Control Confounding Variables

Controlling confounding variables can help researchers to establish a more robust research and employing appropriate strategies to mitigate them is necessary in establishing reliability and accuracy in research reporting.

1. Randomization

Randomly assigning subjects to experimental and control groups can help distribute confounding variables evenly, reducing their impact.

2. Matching

Matching subjects based on key characteristics can minimize the influence of confounding variables. For example, in a drug trial, matching participants by age, gender, and baseline health status can help control for these factors.

3. Statistical Control

Advanced statistical techniques like multiple regression analysis can help account for the influence of known confounding variables in data analysis.

4. Conduct Sensitivity Analysis

Researchers should test the robustness of their findings by conducting sensitivity analyses, systematically varying assumptions about confounding variables to assess their impact on results.

Although these measures can control confounding variables effectively, addressing them ethically is crucial in maintain the research integrity.

Examples of Confounding Variables

Here are some examples of confounding variables:

1. Smoking and Lung Cancer:

In a study investigating the link between smoking and lung cancer, age can be a confounding variable. Older individuals are more likely to both smoke and develop lung cancer. Therefore, if age is not controlled for in the study, it could falsely suggest a stronger association between smoking and lung cancer than actually exists.

2. Education and Income:

Suppose a study is examining the relationship between education level and income, occupation and the years of experience could be a confounding variable because certain jobs pay more. Without considering occupation and experience, the study might incorrectly reach to a conclusion.

3. Coffee Consumption and Heart Disease:

When studying the relationship between coffee consumption and heart disease, exercise and habits can be a confounding variable. Unhealthy behaviors like smoking, poor diet and lack of physical activity can contribute to heart disease. Failing to control for these factors could erroneously attribute heart disease risk solely to coffee consumption.

Controlling confounding variables through study design or statistical techniques is essential to ensure that research findings accurately represent the relationships being studied.

Statistical Approaches When Reporting And Discussing Confounding Variables

Statistical approaches for reporting and discussing confounding variables are essential to ensure the transparency, rigor, and validity of research findings. Here are some key statistical approaches and strategies to consider when dealing with confounding variables:

1. Descriptive Statistics

  • Begin by providing descriptive statistics for the confounding variables.
  • This includes measures such as mean, median, standard deviation, and frequency distribution.
  • This information helps to understand the characteristics of the confounders in your study.

3. Bivariate Analysis

  • Conduct bivariate analyses to examine the unadjusted relationships between the independent variable(s) and the dependent variable, as well as between the independent variable(s) and the confounding variables.

4. Stratification

  • Stratify your analysis by levels or categories of the confounding variable.
  • This allows you to examine the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable within each stratum.
  • It can help identify whether the effect of the independent variable varies across different levels of the confounder.

4. Multivariate Analysis

  • Use multivariate statistical techniques, such as regression analysis , to control for confounding variables.
  • In regression analysis, you can include the confounding variables as covariates in the model.
  • This helps to isolate the effect of the independent variable(s) while holding the confounders constant.

5. Interaction Testing

  • Investigate potential interactions between the independent variable(s) and the confounding variable.
  • Interaction terms in regression models can help determine whether the effect of the independent variable(s) varies based on different levels of the confounder. Interaction tests assess whether the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable is modified by the confounder.

6. Model Fit and Goodness of Fit

  • Assess the fit of your statistical model. This includes checking for goodness-of-fit statistics and examining diagnostic plots.
  • A well-fitting model is important for reliable results.

7. Graphical Representation

  • Utilize graphical representations , such as scatter plots, bar charts, or forest plots, to visualize the relationships between variables and the impact of confounding variables on your results.

These statistical approaches help researchers control for confounding variables and provide a comprehensive understanding of the relationships between variables in their studies. Thorough and transparent reporting and discussion of confounding variables in research involve a combination of statistical studies and a strong research design . Reporting these variables ethically is crucial in acknowledging them effectively.

Ethical Considerations While Dealing Confounding Variables

Ethical considerations play a significant role in dealing with confounding variables in research. Addressing confounding variables ethically is essential to ensure that research is conducted with integrity, transparency, and respect for participants and the broader community. Here are some ethical considerations to keep in mind:

1. Disclosure and Transparency

  • Researchers are ethically obliged to disclose potential confounding variables, as well as their plans for addressing them, in research proposals, publications, and presentations.
  • Moreover, transparent reporting allows readers to assess the study’s validity and the potential impact of confounding.

2. Informed Consent

  • When participants are involved in a study, they should be fully informed about the research objectives , procedures, and potential sources of bias, including confounding variables.
  • Informed consent should include explanations of how confounders will be addressed and why it is important.

3. Minimizing Harm

  • Researchers should take steps to minimize any potential harm to participants that may result from addressing confounding variables.
  • This includes ensuring that data collection and analysis procedures do not cause undue distress or discomfort.

4. Fair and Equitable Treatment

  • Researchers must ensure that the methods used to control for confounding variables are fair and equitable.
  • This means that any adjustments or controls should be applied consistently to all participants or groups in a study to avoid bias or discrimination.

5. Respect for Autonomy

  • Ethical research respects the autonomy of participants.
  • This includes allowing participants to withdraw from the study at any time if they feel uncomfortable with the research process or have concerns about how confounding variables are being managed.

6. Consider Community Impact

  • Consider the broader impact of research on the community.
  • Addressing confounding variables can help ensure that research results are accurate and relevant to the community, ultimately contributing to better-informed decisions and policies.

7. Avoiding Misleading Results

  • Ethical research avoids producing results that are misleading due to unaddressed confounding variables.
  • Misleading results can have serious consequences in fields like medicine and public health, where policies and treatments are based on research findings.

8. Ethical Oversight

  • Research involving human participants often requires ethical review and oversight by institutional review boards or ethics committees.
  • Researchers should follow the guidance and recommendations of these oversight bodies when dealing with confounding variables.

9. Continual Evaluation

  • Ethical research involves ongoing evaluation of the impact of confounding variables and the effectiveness of strategies to control them.
  • Additionally, researchers should be prepared to adjust their methods if necessary to maintain ethical standards.

Researchers must uphold these ethical principles to maintain the trust and credibility of their work within the scientific community and society at large.

The quest for knowledge is not solely defined by the variables you aim to study, but also by the diligence with which you address the complexities associated with the confounding variables. This would foster a clearer and more accurate reporting of research which is reliable and sound.

What are your experiences dealing with confounding variables? Share your views and ideas with the community on Enago Academy’s Open Platform and grow your connections with like-minded academics.

Frequently Asked Questions

Confounding bias is a type of bias that occurs when a third variable influences both the independent and dependent variables, leading to erroneous conclusions in research and statistical analysis. It occurs when a third variable (confounding variable) which is not considered in the research design or analysis, is related to both the dependent variable (the outcome of interest) and the independent variable (the factor being studied).

Controlling for confounding variables is a crucial aspect of designing and analyzing research studies. Some methods to control confounding variables are: 1. Randomization 2. Matching 3. Stratification 4. Multivariable Regression Analysis 5. Propensity Score Matching 6. Cohort Studies 7. Restriction 8. Sensitivity Analysis 9. Review Existing Literature 10. Expert Consultation

Some common types of confounding are selection bias, information bias. time-related confounding, age-related confounding, residual confounding, reverse causation etc.

Confounding variables affects the credibility, applicability, and ethical soundness of the study. Their effects include: 1. Lack of Attribution of Cause and Effect 2. Overestimate or Underestimate Effects 3. Distort Results 4. Reduce Precision and Reliability 5. Introduce Bias 6. Introduce Ethical Implications To produce valid research, researchers must identify and rigorously account for confounding variables, ensuring that their findings accurately reflect the relationships they intend to study.

Identifying confounding variables is a critical step in research design and analysis. Here are some strategies and approaches to help identify potential confounding variables: 1. Literature Review 2. Subject Matter Knowledge 3. Theoretical Framework 4. Pilot Testing 5. Consultation 6. Hypothesis Testing 7. Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) 8. Statistical Software 9. Expert Review

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Catalogue of Bias

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A distortion that modifies an association between an exposure and an outcome because a factor is independently associated with the exposure and the outcome.

Table of Contents

Preventive steps.

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The importance of confounding is that it suggests an association where none exists or masks a true association (Figure 1). 

what is confounding variable in research

Figure 1. The principle of confounding; the confounder makes the exposure more likely and in some way independently modifies the outcome, making it appear that there is an association between the exposure and the outcome when there is none, or masking a true association

It commonly occurs in observational studies, but can also occur in randomized studies, especially, but not only, if they are poorly designed.

For example, if by chance more elderly people are randomized to an active intervention than to placebo, and if age is independently more likely to be associated with a beneficial outcome, the intervention may falsely appear to be beneficial.

Because observational studies are not randomized to ensure equivalent groups for comparison (or to eliminate imbalances due to chance), confounders are common.

It is possible to reduce the effects of known possible confounders by analysing the data statistically in ways that allow for them. However, there will always be the possibility of unknown confounders, which cannot be taken into account. It is therefore not uncommon for the results of observational studies to be overturned when subsequent randomised trials do not confirm the results of the observational studies.

In a seminal example , early findings on the supposed beneficial effect of hormone replacement therapy in cardiovascular disease were reversed when studies that adjusted for socioeconomic status or education were accounted for; there was a reduced risk among studies that did not adjust for these factors, suggesting confounding.

In retrospective, non-randomized studies of patients taking digoxin there were increased death rates, even after adjustment for plausible confounders; however, in a prospective randomized study , mortality was not increased. This suggests that the observational data were subject to confounding. For example, it was likely that those who had been taking digoxin in the observational studies were sicker and therefore more likely to die.

Other comparisons within a study may give information about the potential role of confounders. For example, in a register-based retrospective nationwide cohort study of 848,786 pregnancies, using the Danish Medical Birth Registry, there was an apparent association between the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) during pregnancy in 4183 women and an increased risk of certain congenital defects. However, multivariable logistic regression models reduced the significance of an association; furthermore, there were similar risks in a group of women who had stopped taking SSRIs during pregnancy, strongly suggesting that the apparent association was due to an unidentified confounder. Analysis of the effect of dose as a continuous variable showed that there was no dose-response association, further evidence that there was no true association.

In a systematic review of epidemiological (case-control and cohort) studies of the effectiveness of statins in reducing the risk of Parkinson’s disease (PD), Bykov and colleagues investigated the impact of confounding. Six of 10 included studies collectively showed a protective effect of statins (relative risk 0.75; 95% CI: 0.60 – 0.92); however, these studies did not adjust (control) for serum cholesterol concentrations, which are inversely related to the risk of PD. In the four studies that did control for cholesterol, the beneficial effect of statins fell by 28% (7 – 65%) and shifted the point estimate to a non-significant harmful effect of statins (RR 1.04; 0.68 –1.59).

Randomization is the best way to reduce the risk of confounding. However, it may not be enough, particularly when it is anticipated that imbalances in prognostic factors may occur despite randomization, or when imbalances occur by chance. Stratification and statistical adjustment can reduce the risk of confounding in such cases.

An extension of this is the use of propensity scores , in which potential confounders are used to build a statistical model that assigns to each person a number called their propensity score: the people with high scores are more likely to have certain confounders, and those with low scores are less likely. The use of propensity scores in a study of metformin showed that the risk of cancers is lower in metformin users. But the randomized trial evidence , as far as it goes, shows no convincing evidence that metformin has any effect, illustrating the difficulty in adequately controlling for confounding.

On the other hand, a very large effect size can outweigh the combined effects of plausible confounders. Even if plausible confounders have not been ruled out by the design of the study, a large observed effect can swamp the combined effects of the confounders. For example, the observable effects of general anaesthesia are unlikely to be accountable by confounding, placebo effects, or any kinds of biases; in such cases, randomized trials may not even be necessary. In observational studies associations have to be dramatic if one wants to be confident that plausible confounders have been ruled out; this is true of both beneficial and harmful associations.

Catalogue of bias collaboration, Aronson JK, Bankhead C, Nunan D. Confounding . In Catalogue Of Biases. 2018.

Related biases

  • Selection bias
  • Confounding by indication
  • Collider bias

Aronson JK, editor. Cardiac glycosides. In: Meyler’s Side Effects of Drugs—The International Encyclopedia of Adverse Drug Reactions and Interactions, 16th edition. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2016: 117-57.

Aronson JK, Hauben M. Anecdotes that provide definitive evidence . BMJ 2006; 333(7581): 1267-9. 

Beasley R, et al. ISAAC Phase Three Study Group. Association between paracetamol use in infancy and childhood, and risk of asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis, and eczema in children aged 6-7 years: analysis from Phase Three of the ISAAC programme. Lancet 2008; 372(9643): 1039-48. 

Glasziou P, et al. When are randomised trials unnecessary? Picking signal from noise. BMJ 2007; 334(7589): 349-51. 

Jimenez-Solem E et al. Exposure to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and the risk of congenital malformations: a nationwide cohort study. BMJ Open 2012; 2(3). pii: e001148.

Rich MW et al.  Digitalis Investigation Group. Effect of age on mortality, hospitalizations and response to digoxin in patients with heart failure: the DIG study. J Am Coll Cardiol 2001; 38(3): 806-13.

Bykov K, et al.   Confounding of the association between statins and Parkinson disease: systematic review and meta-analysis. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2017; 26(3): 294-300. 

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