1. Hypothesis : Legal Research

    relevance of hypothesis in legal research

  2. Understanding the importance of a research hypothesis

    relevance of hypothesis in legal research

  3. Steps in Legal Research

    relevance of hypothesis in legal research

  4. Research Hypothesis: Definition, Types, Examples and Quick Tips (2022)

    relevance of hypothesis in legal research

  5. (DOC) What Is The Importance Of Hypothesis In Research Process

    relevance of hypothesis in legal research

  6. How to Write a Hypothesis

    relevance of hypothesis in legal research



    An Open Access Journal from The Law Brigade (Publishing) Group 148 JOURNAL OF LEGAL STUDIES AND RESEARCH Volume 6 Issue 6 - ISSN 2455 2437 December 2020 MEANING The word hypothesis is made up of two Greek roots which mean that it is some sort of 'sub- statements', for it is the presumptive statement of a proposition, which the investigation seeks


    Hypothesis offers a solution of the problem that is to be verified empirically and based on some rationale. Hypothesis guides the research process in a systematic way towards a achieving a desired goal. Certain important characteristics of an ideal hypothesis include being clear, specific, empirically testable and being related to a body of theory.

  3. Is the need for hypothesis in a legal research?

    A hypothesis can be valuable in legal research, depending on the research methodology and objectives. It can help guide the research process and provide focus. Some types of legal research, such ...

  4. The Importance and Role of Hypothesis in Research Writing

    The basis of hypothesis testing is to guide the research process,which involves examining and analyzing the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis [9]. It helps to decide which of the two assumptions is true,and testing an assumption about a specific population parameter helps researchers know whether it is true or false,as well as ...

  5. PDF Hypothesis Formation and Testing in Legal Argument

    Hypothesis ≡tentative assumption made in order to draw out and test its normative, logical or empirical consequences. Hypothetical ≡an imagined situation that involves a hypothesis; used to help draw out those consequences. • In Supreme Court oral arguments, hypotheticals perform an important function.


    Importance of Hypothesis: Hypothesis though an important part of research may not be required in all types of research. The research which are based on fact finding (historical or descriptive research) do not need hypothesis. Hillway also says that "When fact-finding alone is the aim of the study, a hypothesis is not required.5"

  7. PDF E- Content for the Students of Master of Laws, University Department of

    greater focus. The importance of hypothesis lies in their ability to bring direction and focus to a research. Hypothesis is important in terms of bringing clarity to the research problem. As the hypothesis is the prediction of some scientific research and to know about some further descriptions. Hypothesis doesn't means that it

  8. Hypothesis: Meaning, Significance and Types

    The research which are based on fact finding (historical or descriptive research) do not need hypothesis. Whenever possible, a hypothesis is recommended for all major studies to explain observed facts, conditions or behaviour and to serve as a guide in the research process. Direction to Research: Hypothesis provides direction to the research ...

  9. PDF Tilburg University Methodology of legal doctrinal research Vranken, J.B.M

    hypothesis and underlying theory in much the same way as empirical scientists, ... practical orientation, the importance of overview as a paramount virtue of a legal scholar, normativity of the legal research (aiming at finding good solutions), national orientation and innovation on the basis of the existing legal system. ...

  10. The Hypocritical Hype about 'Hypothesis': Why Legal Research Needs to

    7. A move away from the dictatorial role of the hypothesis may be detected in some forms of research: Although there is a variety of different research approaches that are inspired by poststructural and discourse-theoretical premises, with respect to research strategy and methodology, these approaches are united in that they do not set out to verify a pre-determined hypothesis.' (Loughnan ...